Cleridae是什么意思 Cleridae的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Cleridae family is known for their bright colors, which serve as a warning to potential predators.(Cleridae科以其鲜艳的颜色而闻名,这些颜色作为对潜在捕食者的警告。)

2. The larvae of Cleridae are often found on the bark of trees, where they prey on wood-boring insects.(金花虫的幼虫常常在树皮上发现,它们捕食木蛀虫。)

3. Members of the Cleridae family can be found in a wide range of habitats, from forests to deserts.(金花虫科的成员可以在广泛的栖息地中找到,从森林到沙漠。)

4. The bright colors of Cleridae are thought to serve as a warning to predators that they may be toxic or distasteful.(金花虫的鲜艳颜色被认为是向捕食者发出警告,其可能具有毒性或难以食用。)

5. The larvae of Cleridae often have spiny bodies and elongated heads, which allow them to move easily through cracks in wood.(金花虫的幼虫经常具有多刺的身体和延长的头部,使它们能够轻松地穿过木头上的裂缝。)

6. Some species of Cleridae are known to be important biological control agents, as they feed on pests such as beetles and caterpillars.(一些金花虫的物种被认为是重要的生物防治剂,因为它们以甲虫和毛毛虫等害虫为食。)

7. Cleridae are often attracted to flowers, where they feed on nectar and pollen.(金花虫经常被花朵所吸引,它们在花蜜和花粉中获得食物。)

8. The larvae of some species of Cleridae are known to be important predators of bark beetles, which can cause significant damage to trees.(一些金花虫的幼虫被认为是树皮甲虫的重要捕食者,树皮甲虫会对树木造成重大的损害。)

9. Cleridae are often found in association with dead wood, where they play a key role in recycling nutrients and breaking down organic matter.(金花虫经常与死木相联,它们在回收营养和分解有机物方面发挥着关键作用。)


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