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关于”读研还是工作“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Graduate school or work。以下是关于读研还是工作的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Graduate school or work

It has always been a hot topic whether college graduates should go to graduate school or to find a job just after graduation. Some people think that students should broaden their knowledge and study for graduate students. Some people think that students should find a job to make a living.

I agree with the former, because I think students should continue to study to obtain more knowledge. First of all, most of the students in the university only master a comprehensive knowledge, not professional, so if they go to work after graduation, they should continue to study and become experts in a certain field. Because of the pertinence of the work, they may not perform well in their work.

Therefore, students should read graduate students after graduation second, if college students are going to graduate school, they can find a job with higher salary in the future. There are too many job seekers with bachelor's degree, so they can find a job with low salary. However, when they first look for a job, the salary of master's degree students is higher than that of bachelor's degree.

Moreover, many companies prefer to hire highly educated students, so a master's degree will be a priority for recruiters compared with a bachelor's degree. All in all, when students graduate, it's good for them to go to graduate school, so that they can become more professional in their field and find a better job in the future.


大学毕业生是去读研究生,还是刚毕业就找工作,一直是一个热门话题,有人认为学生应该拓宽知识面,读研究生,有些人认为学生应该找工作谋生,我赞成前者,因为我认为学生应该继续学习以获得更多的知识。首先,大学里的大多数学生只是掌握了一门综合性的知识,而不是专业性的,所以如果他们毕业后去找工作,他们应该继续学习,成为某个领域的专家,由于工作的针对性,他们可能会在工作中表现不佳,因此,学生应该在毕业后读研究生 第二,大学生如果读研究生,将来可以找到一份薪水更高的工作,有学士学位的求职者太多,因此他们找到工作时工资微薄然而,在第一次找工作时,硕士学位的学生比学士学位的薪水高。而且,许多公司更喜欢雇用高学历的学生,因此与学士相比,硕士学位的人将是招聘人员的优先考虑对象。








Nowadays many people face an important choice after graduation whether to go for a master's degree or to directly find a job. This is a crucial decision because it will directly affect future career development and personal growth. So whether to pursue a master's degree or to work it is a difficult question that requires consideration of many factors. I will discuss this question in detail below.

Firstly if you have a clear career plan know what industry or profession you want to pursue in the future and this industry or profession requires higher academic qualifications pursuing a master's degree might be a better choice. Because graduate education can provide richer learning resources and opportunities to help you better understand and master the knowledge and skills of the industry or profession.

Secondly if you want to develop in the academic or scientific research field pursuing a master's degree is a necessary condition in these fields. Because graduate education can provide deeper academic research and technical exploration allowing you to better master research methods and skills and laying a solid foundation for future scientific research work.

However if you are not sure about what career you want to pursue in the future pursuing a master's degree may waste your time and money. On the contrary finding a job can provide you with more opportunities to understand different industries and professions discover your strengths and interests. Through work you can gain more practical experience improve your skills and abilities and increase your professional competitiveness.

In conclusion whether to pursue a master's degree or work there is no absolute answer to this question. It depends on personal career planning interests and goals. Whatever choice you make you should fully understand your own situation and future career needs and make wise decisions.







In the end the decision of whether to pursue further education or begin working after graduation is a personal one that should be based on individual cirtances and goals. Ultimately both options can lead to successful career outcomes and it is up to each individual to determine which path is the best fit for them.


As college education comes to an end every graduate must make a crucial decision whether to continue their studies or start looking for work. It is a difficult choice that involves balancing many factors.

For many people finding a job is a necessary reality. They need to earn money to support themselves rather than continue spending. Additionally they may already have some practical experience that can help them in their future career. Finding a good job can not only help them solve their economic problems but also lay the foundation for their future career.

On the other hand pursuing further education is also a good choice. It can provide you with a higher level of education improve your competitiveness and make you more advantageous to pursue better career development. Additionally pursuing further education is a challenging and exciting process that can hone your independent thinking and problem-solving skills.

Regardless of what you choose you need to carefully consider your own situation. You need to ask yourself what you want what your goals are and what your career plan is. These questions can help you make wiser choices and ensure that every step you take is meaningful.

In the end the decision of whether to pursue further education or begin working after graduation is a personal one that should be based on individual cirtances and goals. Ultimately both options can lead to successful career outcomes and it is up to each individual to determine which path is the best fit for them.

标签: 万能 考研

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