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Possible English Writing

Title Reflections on the Post-pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the world disrupting our daily lives economies and societies. As vaccines are gradually deployed and restrictions are lifted we are entering a new phase of the crisis. However the impact of the pandemic will not disappear overnight and we need to reflect on the lessons we have learned and the changes that we should make to build a better future.

Firstly the pandemic has exposed the fragility and inequalities of our global systems. From the inadequate health infrastructures in many countries to the digital divide and the climate crisis we need to invest in more resilient and inclusive systems that can address the root causes of vulnerability and inequity. This requires international cooperation and innovative solutions such as global health governance digital innovation and sustainable development.

Secondly the pandemic has highlighted the essential role of science technology and innovation in tackling complex problems. From the fast development of vaccines to the use of AI big data and telemedicine in healthcare we have witnessed the power of human creativity and collaboration. We should continue to invest in scientific research and education and to harness the potential of technology to enhance human well-being and sustainability.

Thirdly the pandemic has shown the importance of social solidarity and human resilience in times of crisis. From the selfless sacrifices of frontline workers to the mutual aid and community support among people we have seen the best of humanity. We should cherish and foster these values and build more inclusive and caring communities that can empower individuals and promote social justice.

In conclusion the post-pandemic world calls for a collective effort to rethink our priorities values and actions. We should not go back to the old normal but aim for a new normal that is more equitable sustainable and resilient. Let us learn from the pandemic and work together to build a better future for all.









Possible 2021 English Test Writing Topic


Write an essay of 800 words on the following topic. You are required to write the essay in plain and coherent English. Your essay should be based on the outline given below and it should be well-organized and well-developed. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Topic The Importance of Cultural Heritage Preservation


1. Introduction Explain the significance of cultural heritage and the challenges it faces in the modern world.

2. Body Paragraph 1 Describe the value of cultural heritage preservation in terms of historical and social understanding.

3. Body Paragraph 2 Highlight the economic benefits of cultural heritage preservation through tourism and economic development.

4. Body Paragraph 3 Discuss the moral imperative of cultural heritage preservation as a means of respecting and honoring diverse cultural traditions.

5. Conclusion Summarize the importance of cultural heritage preservation and suggest some practical strategies for achieving it.


The Importance of Cultural Heritage Preservation

Cultural heritage is the accumulated knowledge values beliefs customs practices and artifacts that have been passed down from previous generations. It encomp a variety of cultural expressions including language art music literature architecture religion and more. Cultural heritage is a vital part of human civilization and its preservation is essential for maintaining a cohesive and diverse society. However cultural heritage faces various challenges in the modern world such as globalization ization environmental degradation and conflict. Therefore it is essential to think about the importance of cultural heritage preservation and how to achieve it.

Firstly cultural heritage preservation has significant historical and social value. It allows people to understand the past and appreciate the present. Cultural heritage is not only a record of the achievements and struggles of our ancestors but also an insight into the diversity and richness of human cultures. By preserving cultural heritage we can learn about the origins and evolution of cultures the ways in which people lived worked and interacted with each other and the meanings and values underlying various expressions of culture. For instance the Great Wall in China the Pyramids in Egypt or the Colosseum in Rome are not just ancient ruins but also symbols of the civilizations that built them and the enduring legacy they left behind. Likewise traditional festivals folktales and handicrafts are not only forms of entertainment but also embodiments of the wisdom creativity and identity of different cultural groups.

Secondly cultural heritage preservation has significant economic benefits. It can stimulate tourism and promote local economic development. Many cultural heritage sites are popular tourist destinations because of their aesthetic historical or spiritual appeal. Visitors from all over the world are attracted to see the wonders of human creativity and learn about local customs and traditions. For example the Taj Mahal in India the Acropolis in Greece or the Machu Picchu in Peru are not only cultural landmarks but also major sources of revenue for the countries that host them. In addition cultural heritage preservation can also create jobs and support local businesses especially in rural or marginalized areas where traditional skills and crafts are still practiced.

Thirdly cultural heritage preservation has significant moral imperative. It is a means of respecting and honoring diverse cultural traditions and protecting human rights. Culture is not a static genous entity but a dynamic evolving process. It reflects the beliefs values and practices of different groups of people who have the right to preserve and transmit their cultural heritage to future generations. Therefore cultural heritage preservation is not only a matter of aesthetic economic or technical concerns but also a matter of social justice and human dignity. It requires us to recognize the diversity and complexity of human cultures to avoid cultural stereotypes and prejudices and to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation.

In conclusion cultural heritage preservation is of utmost importance in the modern world. It allows us to understand our past appreciate our present and shape our future. It can bring economic benefits foster social cohesion and promote cultural diversity. Therefore we need to develop practical strategies to preserve cultural heritage such as creating appropriate legal frameworks involving local communities in decision- using new technologies to document and disseminate cultural knowledge and enhancing international cooperation for the protection of cultural heritage. By doing so we can ensure that our cultural heritage remains a source of inspiration enlightenment and pride for all humanity.


Topic My Dream Job

As a child I had many dreams about my future career. At one point I wanted to be a doctor and then later a teacher. However after some consideration I have decided that my dream job is to become a journalist.


The reason why I am so drawn to journalism is because I believe that it is a field where I can make a difference. As a journalist I would have the opportunity to report on important events and issues and bring attention to certain topics that may have been overlooked. Additionally I could use my platform to give a voice to those who may not have one and shed light on issues that may be ignored or misunderstood.


Of course journalism is not without its challenges. It can be a demanding and stressful job with long hours and tight deadlines. However I believe that the rewards far outweigh the difficulties. The satisfaction of uncovering the truth and bringing important information to the public is something that I could not find in any other profession.


In order to achieve my dream of becoming a journalist I know that I will need to work hard and gain the necessary skills and experience. However I am passionate and determined to pursue this career path and I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.


标签: 万能 考研

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