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London is scheduled to hold the summer Olympic Games in London from July to August. From July to August, London has been selected as the host city. London has made great efforts to compete for the Olympic Games.

However, due to the financial crisis in London, London has successfully held two Olympic Games. The fourth and fourth Olympic Games have a total of events and will produce gold medals. We hope our Chinese athletes can get good results in this Olympic Games.




It was a foggy day in London. It was too foggy to see more than a foot. The bus and the taxi were unable to run and stood by the side of the road.

People tried to walk to find the way, but they got lost in the fog. Mr. Smith had a very important meeting in the house of Commons and went there, but no one could take him.

He tried to walk over, but found he was lost. Suddenly, he met a stranger and asked if he could help him. Mr.

Smith said he wanted to go to the parliament building. The stranger told him that he would take him there. Mr.

Smith thanks him and they begin to walk there. The fog grew thicker and thicker. Every minute, the stranger found his way effortlessly.

He walked along one street and across the street across ASQUAL. After walking for about half an hour, they finally reached the parliament building. It's very kind of Mr.

Smith not to understand how this stranger found his way. He said, it's not troublesome for you to find your way in such fog. He told me that strange people are blind.







(St John's WoodDorsetPooleCheshireManchester United)•(Wayne RooneyColeenPrestburyneoGeorgian this trend has accelerated in the s, but it has been magnified since the beginning of the recession, when a large number of wealthy overseas buyers flocked to London real estate as a safe haven for capital. These buyers carried large amounts of cash, tended to build new houses instead of historical heritage, and needed enough space. The acceleration of the push down trend has naturally raised concerns among conservationists, but London has a wealth of historic buildings to choose from, and London's strict building codes do not protect all of them.

It is estimated that the British heritage, which advises the government and planning authorities, protects buildings in London, which means some less important property There is no serious controversy over the loss, except that the British heritage neighbor occasionally complains that "if a property is not listed as a building, then it is not protected," Martin Bagshaw, head and planning director of John Martin, a development consultancy Bagshaw said the planning system was designed to facilitate development. If a building is not important enough to be listed, then there is no reason for the local council to restrict the demolition of the property. London is divided into local councils, Bagshaw added.

As long as the proposed new house is well designed, neither neglecting nor blocking the light of the neighboring houses, everyone is elected and paid by officials It is likely that the demolition will be approved.


(St John's WoodDorsetPooleCheshireManchester United)•(Wayne RooneyColeenPrestburyneoGeorgian 上世纪年代,这一趋势已经加快,但自经济衰退开始后,这种趋势得到了极大的放大,当时大批富有的海外买家涌入伦敦房地产,将其作为资金的避风港,这些买家携带大量现金倾向于新建住宅而不是历史遗产,而且需要足够的空间。推倒趋势的加速自然引起了自然资源保护主义者的担忧,但伦敦有丰富的历史建筑可供开发商选择,而且伦敦严格的建筑法规并不能保护所有这些房屋,据估计,英国的遗产,为和规划部门提供建议的机构对伦敦的建筑进行保护,这意味着一些不太重要的财产的损失并没有引起严重的争议,除了邻居“英国遗产”偶尔会抱怨“如果一处房产没有被列入名单的建筑地位,那么它就没有受到保护,开发咨询公司johnmartin的主管兼规划主管马丁巴格肖(Martin Bagshaw)说,规划体系是为了促进开发,如果一座建筑的重要性不足以上市,那么地方议会就没有理由限制房产被拆除,伦敦被划分为地方议会,巴格肖补充道,只要拟建的新房子设计得很好,既不忽视也不遮挡邻近房屋的光线,每个人都由选举产生并领取薪水的官员组成,很可能会批准拆除。

标签: 万能 五年级

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