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关于”体裁有哪些“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:What are the genres。以下是关于体裁有哪些的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What are the genres?


1. 议论文

英文名称Argumentative Essay



例句Whether children should study at home or at school is a controversial issue.

2. 说明文

英文名称Expository Essay



例句Explain how to use social media safely and responsibly.

3. 记叙文

英文名称Narrative Essay



例句Write a narrative essay about an exciting adventure you had.

4. 描写文

英文名称Descriptive Essay



例句Describe a beautiful sunset you have seen.

5. 应用文

英文名称Application Essay



例句Write an application essay to a university explaining why you would be a good candidate for their program.


万能作文模板2:有哪些流派 ?


1. 议论文(Argumentative essay)就某个问题或事件进行讨论和辩论并提出自己的观点和理由

2. 说明文(Expository essay)对某个问题或事物进行详细的解释和描述让读者了解其特点和本质

3. 描写文(Descriptive essay)用生动、形象的语言描绘某个地方、事物或人物的特点和形象

4. 叙述文(Narrative essay)用连贯的语言讲述一个故事强调时间顺序和情节发展

5. 读后感(Book review)对一本书进行评价和分析阐述自己的感受和看法

6. 信件(Letter)写给朋友、家人或是老师等人的联络信表达自己的感受和想法

7. 日记(Diary)记录自己的生活、感受和观察反映自己内心的变化和成长

8. 演讲稿(Speech)针对特定的场合和主题用语言和表情向听众传达自己的观点和思想

9. 应用文(Application letter)向学校、公司或组织提交的申请信介绍自己的背景、经历和能力争取对方的认可和录取



1. Narrative Essay 记叙文

A narrative essay tells a story often from personal experience. It focuses on a specific event or moment in time and provides vivid details and sensory language to engage the reader. 以实际经历为基础叙述一个具体事件或时刻运用生动的细节和感官语言吸引读者

2. Descriptive Essay 描写文

A descriptive essay uses language to create a vivid picture of a person place or thing. It appeals to the reader’s five senses and helps the reader to form a clear mental image. 运用语言创造一个人、地方或物品的生动形象吸引读者的五感帮助读者形成清晰的心理形象

3. Expository Essay 说明文

An expository essay explains describes or informs the reader about a particular topic. It presents facts statistics and evidence to support its claims and provides the reader with a deeper understanding of the subject. 说明、描述或通知读者关于特定主题的内容提供事实、统计数据和证据来支持其观点使读者对主题有更深入的理解

4. Persuasive Essay 议论文

A persuasive essay aims to convince the reader to agree with the author’s point of view. It presents a strong argument and provides evidence to support its claims. 议论文旨在说服读者同意作者的观点提出一个强有力的论点并提供证据支持其主张

5. Compare and Contrast Essay 比较文

A compare and contrast essay compares two or more subjects and discusses their similarities and differences. It may focus on one specific aspect or several aspects. 比较文比较两个或更多主题并讨论它们的相似之处和不同之处可能专注于一个特定方面或几个方面

6. Argumentative Essay 论证文

An argumentative essay presents a strong argument with supporting evidence to persuade the reader to agree with the author’s point of view. It may also antite and refute opposing arguments. 论证文提出一个强有力的论点并用支持性证据说服读者同意作者的观点也可能并反驳反对的论点

7. Cause and Effect Essay 因果分析文

A cause and effect essay yzes the reasons for something and the consequences that result. It explores how one event or action leads to another and examines the impact of these actions. 因果分析文分析某个事情的原因和其结果探讨一个事件或行为如何导致另一个事件或行为并检查这些行为的影响

8. Process Essay 过程文

A process essay explains how to do something or how something works. It provides step-by-step instructions and may include diagrams or ilrations to help the reader understand the process. 过程文解释如何做某事或某事的工作原理提供逐步说明可能包括图表或插图帮助读者理解过程

9. Reflective Essay 反思性散文

A reflective essay discusses the writer’s personal experiences and the lessons they have learned from those experiences. It may include personal insights opinions and observations. 反思性散文探讨作家的个人经验以及从这些经验中学到的教训可能包括个人见解、观点和观察

10. Review Essay 评论文

A review essay evaluates a particular book movie or product and provides an opinion about its quality value or significance. It may also compare the subject to others in its genre. 评论文评估一本特定的书籍、电影或产品并提供有关其质量、价值或重要性的意见还可能将主题与同类其他作品进行比较

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