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As students, we can share more time with our friends. In our young hearts, friendship is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky.

There are many of my best friends, especially when I have Mr. Guo as one of my best friends. Mr.

Guo is my English teacher. I met him when I was a student. She only said She has a bright smile on her face.

She always makes the claoom active and attractive in her unique way. She teaches us English by telling stories, playing games, singing and even dancing. I still remember clearly that one afternoon, after class, we went to other cl to sing for them, just like what people in America do on Christmas Eve.

It was so interesting and unforgettable that Miss Guo was an excellent teacher, because she not only taught us how to learn English well, but also taught us how to discover the beauty of the world and how to be the angel of others' life. I know our hearts There is friendship and pure love.




For example, men are more likely to be stimulated by visual stimuli than women, which may be why visual ography is more popular with men, although both men and women express the same strong romantic love and are attracted by reliable and kind partners, healthy, intelligent and educated, there are some significant differences in their choices Men prefer to be young and beautiful, while women prefer money, education and status. When they see an old, ugly man walking with a beautiful young woman, most people think that the man is rich or powerful.


不同性别之间的爱情阶段有所不同,例如,男性比女性更容易受到视觉刺激的刺激,这可能就是为什么视觉更受男性欢迎,尽管男性和女性都表达同样强烈的浪漫爱情,并被可靠、善良的伴侣所吸引,健康,聪明,受过教育,在他们的选择上有一些显著的差异男人更喜欢年轻和美丽,而女人更喜欢金钱,教育和地位当看到一个年长的,丑陋的男人和一个年轻漂亮的女人走在一起时,大多数人都认为这个男人很有钱或很有权势 a。


The streets of the factory have been widened, but in the past, it was a poor and backward town. I love its hometown more. People have been liberated.

Cinemas and theatres have appeared one after another. Many people have no jobs. It is located on the edge of a wide river, rich in fish resources, Mickey's hometown is a beautiful place, they are trying to make it more rich and beautiful.

They live a hard life. Since then, people's lives have been greatly improved and great changes have taken place. There I love my hometown, school and hospital.




标签: 万能 高中

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