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关于”生内卷现象“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:phenomenon of inspanidual。以下是关于生内卷现象的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:phenomenon of inspanidual

There are some bad phenomena in our class. Some students do bad things, such as speaking in class, not paying attention to the teacher, impoliteness, cheating in exams, etc. These bad behaviors have a bad effect on our study.

We should get rid of these bad behaviors and try our best to be strict with ourselves so as to learn better for our future.




It is suggested that waste is a phenomenon and we should do something useful to eliminate it. However, what we often see in our school is that we leave the tape behind after washing hands, do not turn on the light when leaving, waste paper, and throw away the food after dinner. We suggest that students work together to stop waste, turn off the tape after washing hands, turn off the light when leaving, discard the paper and put the food in the refrigerator under the guidance of the monitor.





With the development of society and the intensification of competition the phenomenon of "internal envelopment" among college students has become a common phenomenon. The essence of internal envelopment refers to the fact that under certain competition and pressure people constantly compare and pursue higher goals leading to excessive competition and comparison.


There are many reasons for the phenomenon of internal envelopment among college students among which the most important is the problem of the education system. The current education system pays too much attention to scores and honors and neglects the comprehensive development of people leading to students constantly comparing and pursuing higher scores. In addition social values also to some extent cause the phenomenon of internal envelopment among college students. Many people believe that only by pursuing higher careers and higher incomes can they be a symbol of success so everyone will strive for success and honor.


However the phenomenon of internal envelopment among college students has also brought many negative impacts to students. Firstly internal envelopment will make students fall into a state of excessive competition and comparison neglecting their own interests and hobbies resulting in excessive psychological pressure. Secondly internal envelopment will also lead students to constantly pursue honors and achievements thus neglecting cooperation and communication with others leading to the separation of interpersonal relationships and the lack of social responsibility.


Therefore we should realize the negative effects of the phenomenon of internal envelopment and take measures to alleviate it. Educational institutions should pay more attention to the comprehensive development of individuals so that students pay more attention to their own interests and hobbies and encourage students to explore and try diversification. At the same time society should also strengthen the guidance of people's values so that more people can realize that success is not only about honor and income but also more about their inner satisfaction and happiness.

标签: 初中 真题

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