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关于”过去现在变化“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Past now changes。以下是关于过去现在变化的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Past now changes

Changes in the Past and Present


In the past people used to travel long distances on foot or by animal-drawn carriages. Now we can easily travel by cars trains planes and even spaceships. 在过去人们过去常常步行或者驾驶马车长途旅行现在我们可以轻松地驾车、坐火车、飞机甚至太空飞船出行

In the past communication was limited to letters and telegrams. Now we have instant messaging video chat and social media platforms that connect us with people from all around the world. 在过去通信仅限于信件和电报现在我们拥有即时通讯、和社交媒体平台可以与全世界的人联系

In the past people used to do everything with their hands from cooking to cleaning to building. Now we have machines and technology that can do things faster and more efficiently. 在过去人们几乎所有的事情都是用手做的从烹饪到清洁到建造现在我们拥有机器和技术可以更快更有效地完成事情

Overall the world has changed drastically over the past few decades and it continues to change at a rapid pace. It is important to embrace and adapt to these changes to thrive in our constantly evolving society. 总的来说世界在过去的几xx年里发生了巨大的变化而且它以惊人的速度持续变化着适应和适应这些变化对于在不断发展的社会中茁壮成长非常重要


The difference between the past and today is that our parents always think about the next meal, if they can eat enough, but today, we always think about what we can eat, we will know in the past few days or even weeks, but today, when something big happens, we can immediately know that our life is getting better and better.




过去和现在的变化(Changes between the Past and Present)





Time flies and more and more changes happen in our lives which bring different experiences between the past and present.

In the past people lived in a relatively simple era with no modern technology and equipment. The lifestyle and culture were also very different. For example people had to walk or ride horses to complete long-distance travel while now we can take modern transportation tools such as cars trains and airplanes. In addition people didn't have the Internet before and had to contact others through letters or face-to-face communication. Now we can easily communicate with people from all over the world through the Internet.

In terms of lifestyle in the past most people lived in agricultural societies and they had to work hard to get food and necessities. Now most people live in cities where they can purchase what they need. People's consumption levels have also greatly improved and the development of modern technology has brought many conveniences such as various smartphones and applications our lives more convenient and comfortable.

In summary the changes between the past and present are quite apparent. We should be aware of these changes cherish the advantages of modern technology and lifestyle and also preserve the importance of our cultural heritage.

标签: 万能 八级

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