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关于”评分标准细则“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Scoring Standard Rules。以下是关于评分标准细则的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Scoring Standard Rules


1. Task Response(任务回应程度)能否清楚地回应任务要求并在适当的长度内完成

2. Coherence and Cohesion(连贯性和衔接)能否在段落之间和句子之间建立良好的连接使文章整体有组织、凝聚力强

3. Lexical Resource(词汇表达)能否使用准确、恰当的词汇丰富的词汇储备展示出较高的语言能力

4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法使用准确性和丰富度)能否使用语确、准确、多样化的句子结构避免常见的语法错误

5. Pronunciation and Intonation(发音和语调) 能否使用准确、自然、清晰的语音和语调让听者能完全理解你的意思


6.0 - 基本一般仅能明确回应任务但只在句子和段落之间有些连贯性上不足

6.5 - 一般能够清楚地回应任务并在句子和段落之间有一定的连贯性但仍有一些语法错误和词汇缺乏

7.0 - 较强能够清晰地回应任务具有良好的连贯性、语法使用准确性和词汇丰富度但可能有一些小的错误

7.5 - 强能够清晰、有组织和连贯地回应任务语法和词汇使用基本无误但可能有些微小的误用

8.0 - 非常强能够清晰、有组织和连贯地回应任务语法和词汇使用非常准确和丰富仅有极少的小错误

8.5 - 几乎达到完美能够非常清晰、有组织、连贯地回应任务语法和词汇使用几乎完美无误只有极少量的细微错误

9.0 - 完美能够完美地回应任务语言表达准确无误流畅自然听者易于理解

Scoring Criteria for English Writing

1. Task Response The ability to clearly respond to the demands of the task and complete the task within an appropriate length.

2. Coherence and Cohesion The ability to establish good connections between paragraphs and sentences to create an organized cohesive whole.

3. Lexical Resource The ability to use accurate and appropriate vocabulary demonstrating a rich vocabulary reserve and high language proficiency.

4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy The ability to use grammatically correct accurate and varied sentence structures and avoid common grammar errors.

5. Pronunciation and Intonation The ability to use accurate natural and clear unciation and intonation ensuring that listeners can fully understand your meaning.

Scoring Standards

6.0 - Limited Can only clearly respond to the task but has some lack of coherence between sentences and paragraphs.

6.5 - Adequate Can clearly respond to the task with some coherence between sentences and paragraphs but still has some grammar errors and lack of vocabulary.

7.0 - Sufficient Can clearly respond to the task with good coherence grammar accuracy and rich vocabulary but may have some minor errors.

7.5 - Strong Can clearly coherently respond to the task with accurate grammar and rich vocabulary but may have some minor mistakes.

8.0 - Very Strong Can clearly coherently respond to the task with accurate and rich language expressiveness with only a small number of minor mistakes.

8.5 - Almost Perfect Can very clearly coherently respond to the task with almost perfect accuracy with only a very small number of minor errors.

9.0 - Perfect Can fully and accurately respond to the task with fluent and natural language expression that is easy for listeners to understand.




1. 表达准确、清晰符合文体要求

2. 信息充分内容完整观点明确意图明显

3. 语言规范语确词汇丰富表达得体

4. 组织合理结构紧凑层次分明思路连贯


1. 开放式结构要求明确立意开门见山通常采用倒叙、插叙、正文、结尾的结构

2. 封闭式结构要求主题鲜明围绕中心展开内容丰富基本框架分为引入、阐述、总结等部分


1. 语言得体要求使用恰当的词语表达准确、流畅、得体避免使用口语化表达、错误的语法和词汇

2. 表达清晰要求逻辑严密、结构合理思路流畅内容完整、清晰意义明确

3. 情感表达要求情感真实表达情感语气恰当语言贴切、生动不应有过度的情感或偏见等


1. 语法准确要求使用正确的语法结构避免出现严重的语法错误如主谓不一致、时态错误、虚拟语气错误等

2. 词汇准确要求使用丰富、恰当的词汇表达尽可能避免使用简单、重复的词汇避免使用与文章主题不符的词汇

3. 词语搭配精确要求使用恰当的词语搭配避免使用碰巧看起来对的但语义不对的搭配


1. 观点明确要求明确表达自己的观点避免表达含糊或错误的观点

2. 信息充分要求提供充分的信息举例说明、引证证据使文章更加具有可信性和可读性

3. 联系现实要求联系生活实际避免抽象、空泛的观点增强文章的可读性和可信度



1. 稍逊一筹19-21分语言表达基本准确结构通顺信息比较充实但存在不严谨、词不达意、表达不清等问题

2. 一般水平22-23分语言表达准确流畅思路清晰表达得体层次分明结构紧凑内容充实但有一定需要改进的地方

3. 较为优秀24分内容充实表达精准语言合理结构紧凑篇章连贯表现出一定的独特性和深度但还有一些小问题需要改进

4. 优秀25分全面高超内容丰富表达精准、得体、流畅语言规范结构紧凑篇章连贯组织合理具有一定的深度、广度和独特性


Task arguments, ideas and evidence exchange quality vocabulary and sentence structure arguments, views and evidence in fact, unfortunately, international tourism is the largest industry in the world, and international tourism creates tension rather than mutual understanding among people from different cultural backgrounds. Do you agree with international tourism tension rather than tension understanding when a country develops its technology, traditional technology It is meaningless to try to make them live. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? The common interests of contemporary society? More and more juvenile delinquents have yzed the possible causes of this phenomenon and put forward some suggestions to prove that wild animals have no place in the world.

Do you agree or disagree to try to protect these animals It's hard to imagine what our life would be like without wild animals. For example, if there were no cats, there would be more mice. The increase in the number of mice would lead to the reduction of food resources and the spread of diseases.

The protection of animals and wildlife is very important. Universities should not provide too much theoretical knowledge, but should give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree with the argument The plan emphasizes employment causes and effects comparison and comparison of facts and statistical concessions.

Refutation classification definition is similar to communication quality task 1 consistency and consistency. However, although, it is not the result, therefore, due to this point, in addition to this, there are, and, further, for example, actually including, indedafter, following, before, until During, between, while veracity and sentence structure tasks.



标签: 满分 高考

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