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关于”每天锻炼“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Exercise every day。以下是关于每天锻炼的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Exercise every day

Exercise is a very common but very important thing. Although almost everyone knows its importance, I still want to emphasize that sports are of great importance to health. There is a saying in China that "health is the source of revolution.

The most important way to keep healthy is to do exercise. Exercise is the best and direct way to keep healthy When you exercise, your whole body will move, which will make you feel excited. Second, exercise can help you save money.

As I said above, if we don't exercise regularly, we may not be in good health. Therefore, we must go to the hospital to see a doctor. As we all know, the medical industry is very expensive.

It may cost you a month's salary to go to the hospital. Sports will make you more and more beautiful or handsome. Because you exercise your body, your body will become healthier, which will make you look better.

There are other benefits. I just don't list here to move, try to do some exercise by yourself, don't always sit on the chair.




In today's world, longevity, feeling good, and looking radiant are the three great ideals. One of the keys to achieving these goals is to exercise. Regardless of age or gender, don't be too old, too young, or too unfit to start exercising.

You can benefit from regular physical exercise. All you need is determination and commitment. Health experts recommend at least a few minutes of fitness every day of the week Walking, running, biking, swimming, or any other moderate activity, including muscle use - without looking for a specific exercise program to stay healthy, try exercising a little more, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, getting off public transportation a few blocks before parking, getting up from your desk, stretching, walking around, carrying food with you, etc Regular physical exercise can improve the function of the immune system, which can help prevent diseases, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, exercise can help control blood pressure, it can reduce cholesterol, it can help to relieve and prevent migraine attacks.

Your mind is as important as your body. Exercise can make you feel better. You can manage stress more effectively and reduce anxiety.

When you start exercising, it can Help you relieve depression. Learn how to relax more often when you have problems at home, work or school, so your sleep quality improves. When physical activity becomes part of your daily life, your overall quality of life improves, you feel better physically, you notice the improvement in your muscle strength and ability to work continuously, and you see the end in your appearance If you lose weight and exercise your muscles, the result is that your self-image is improved.

Partiting in new physical exercises increases the opportunity to meet new friends and share activities. These activities can help you keep up with the pace of exercise, live longer, feel good and look good. It is not impossible to achieve this.

You may come up with many excuses for not exercising. You are too young, you are too old, or You are too tired, but if you really want to improve your physical and mental health, you will find the time and energy to stay in good shape. The benefits of exercise are well worth it.





Nowadays people pay more attention to their health and they have realized the importance of exercise. Therefore many people choose to exercise every day to keep fit.


There are many benefits to exercising every day. Firstly regular exercise can improve physical fitness and prevent many diseases. Secondly exercise can help relieve stress and anxiety and improve mental health. Finally exercise can also help regulate the body's metabolism thereby preventing obesity.


To exercise every day people can choose a variety of activities such as jogging swimming cycling or yoga. It is recommended to exercise for about 30 minutes each day and gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise.


In conclusion exercising every day is beneficial for physical and mental health. People should make it a habit to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


标签: 真题 初一

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