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关于”朋友的重要性“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The Importance of Friends。以下是关于朋友的重要性的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The Importance of Friends

Friends are very important to us. When we encounter difficulties, we need friends to help us achieve success. We also need friends to share our happiness.

It's hard to imagine a life without friendship. A person should make as many friends as possible. The more friends, the more meaningful his life is.

Similarly, a country needs friends today, for example, with the open With the successful implementation of the policy, her friends are all over the world. She will certainly make more friends in the future, but it is not easy for real friends to find out why we attach great importance to friendship with them. Fake friends also exist, they may have a bad impact on our character, even worse, we should be careful when friends.




When we have troubles, we will naturally find someone to talk to. Our first choice is friends. We won't talk about them in front of our parents, because we don't want them to worry that our friends are so important in our life.

We have many friends. We will share our happiness and sadness with them. We go out together.

In short, friends are a part of our life What happens if a person has no friends? We hear from the news that criminals are isolated by others. Most of them have no friends. Their views on the world are distorted.

They have no friends. People have no place to release their emotions. Long term depressed emotions can distract people's attention from normal life.

So friends are very important. We can't have no friends.




Friendship is an essential part of life. Having friends brings positivity and happiness. When you have good friends you can share your thoughts feelings and experiences with them. They provide a support system during difficult times and celebrate with you during the good times.


Friends also help improve your social skills and create a sense of belonging. They introduce you to new people and experiences and they challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. Additionally having friends can lead to new opportunities and connections in both personal and professional life.


Overall friends play a vital role in our lives. It is important to nurture and value the friendships we have and to always be open to new friends.


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