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关于”在未来的生活“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:In the future life。以下是关于在未来的生活的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In the future life

Our own planet, earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted, and we can start over and build a better world on Mars. First of all, transportation should be better in a short time. The space shuttle will fly at half the speed of food needed by light man.

Survival scientists hope that plants that can grow on Mars can produce the food and oxygen we need. However, it is not sure whether these plants can produce water or not. The gravity on Mars is only three eighth of the gravity of the earth, and people on Mars must wear them Special boots make you taller.




Our planet in the future, with the development of technology, our life in the future will become more and more colorful, we do not need to eat anything, we just need to recharge ourselves. We have a chip in our brain to save energy. We don't need to drive because all of us have mutated DNA, we can fly, we can breathe in the water, just like the fish we live in the air, we don't need to sleep.

Humans have discovered many planets, we can live wherever we want. We are the most powerful species in the universe. With the development of technology, our life has become more and more terrible We don't have enough space to live, so wars broke out in all countries in the world after the war.

Most people died. The war destroyed our planet. There was no fresh air, no fresh water.

More and more species became extinct. Human beings lost their fertility. Finally, all the living things on the earth disappeared and the earth became a desert.




In the future our life will be drastically different from what it is now. With the rapid development of technology and science we will live in a world that is highly advanced and efficient.


One of the most noticeable changes will be in transportation. Self-driving cars and advanced public transportation systems will become the norm reducing the need for personal vehicles and decreasing traffic congestion.


In terms of communication we will have access to even more advanced technologies such as holographic projection and virtual reality. These will enable us to communicate with others in a more immersive and interactive way breaking down barriers of distance and language.


In terms of health medical technology will continue to advance it possible for people to live longer and healthier lives. Personalized medicine and DNA sequencing will be at the forefront of medical practices allowing doctors to accurately diagnose and treat illnesses based on a person's individual genetic makeup.


Overall the future will be a world of limitless possibilities and incredible advancements. With the help of technology and science we will be able to create a better more efficient and more fulfilling way of life.


标签: 高分 小学

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