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Steve Jobs is the cover character of time magazine for seven times. Jobs is regarded as one of the most successful businessmen and scientists in the computer field. This high reputation is based on his creativity.

Because of his outstanding creativity, he invented more useful and intelligent digital iPad, iPhone, iTouch and other Apple products, which are greatly welcomed by people all over the world Apple has become a very excellent and successful company. Without creativity, Apple's products will be like other products in this market. I think creativity is a necessary condition for success.




In recent years more and more people have realized the importance of protecting the environment. One way to do that is by reducing our use of plastic.

Plastic is everywhere in our lives – from the bags we use for shopping to the straws we use to drink. It is convenient but it is also harmful to the environment. Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose and during that time it can pollute our oceans and harm wildlife.

To reduce our use of plastic we can start by bringing our own reusable bags to the grocery store. We can also bring our own water bottles instead of buying plastic ones. If we need to use straws we can use paper or metal straws instead. These small changes can make a big difference in reducing the amount of plastic in our environment.

In addition to reducing our use of plastic we can also recycle the plastic that we do use. Recycling allows the plastic to be reused instead of ending up in a landfill or in the ocean.

It is important to remember that we all have a role to play in protecting the environment. By reducing our use of plastic and recycling what we do use we can help create a cleaner and healthier planet for ourselves and future generations.


塑料无处不在 – 从我们购物用的袋子到我们喝水用的吸管它非常方便但同时也对环境有害塑料需要几百年才能分解而在此期间它会染我们的海洋并伤害野生动物





This picture reflects the fact that doctors often ask for payment of excess cheques for extra income, which aggravates the tension and distrust between doctors and patients. They may force patients or threaten them to do some dishonorable things. They refuse to take advantage of the asymmetry of information and knowledge and the psychology of patients who can not bear any health consequences Doctors ask patients to pay more, which highlights the pressure of their tight budgets, and sometimes even the stability of society can be damaged.

If they finally find out the truth or the treatment fails, they decide to block the hospital. There are even more incidents in which relatives of the dead gather a group of people to the government in order to attract public attention. Sympathy and support for moral corruption make it less important for doctors to improve their technical level, because immoral methods will bring more profits, and they think that saving people first may be replaced by money first, which will damage their reputation because we want to be doctors We should remember that it is our duty to save lives and alleviate the suffering of others.

Money can never erase the light of humanitarianism.



标签: 真题 初二

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