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关于”零基础“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Zero basis。以下是关于零基础的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Zero basis


1. 多读英文书籍和文章这不仅可以提高词汇量还可以熟悉英语语言的用法和结构

2. 练习写作可以先从简单的句子和段落开始慢慢增加难度同时注意语法和拼写错误

3. 请教老师或资深的英语学习者他们可以提供个性化的建议和指导帮助你找到你自己的弱点并加以改进

4. 使用在线学习资源如语法和拼写检查工具可以检查你的写作是否有错误

5. 练习独立思考可以通过写作来表达自己的想法和观点并让别人了解你的观点


Improving English writing skills requires time and effort. Here are some methods beginners can take

1. Read English books and articles. This not only helps improve vocabulary but also familiarizes one with the usage and structure of the language.

2. Practice writing. Start with simple sentences and paragraphs gradually increasing difficulty while paying attention to grammar and spelling errors.

3. Ask teachers or seasoned English learners for personalized advice and guidance. They can help identify weaknesses and offer suggestions for improvement.

4. Use online learning resources such as grammar and spelling check tools to check for errors in writing.

5. Practice independent thinking by expressing one's own thoughts and opinions through writing allowing others to understand one's perspective.

In conclusion to improve English writing skills one needs to devote time and effort practice diligently correct mistakes and persist.


1. In my opinion


2. It is widely believed that


3. It is commonly acknowledged that


4. Some people argue that


5. There is no denying that


6. It goes without saying that


7. It is a widely accepted fact that


8. According to the statistics


9. As far as I am concerned


10. Personally I think


11. From my point of view


12. As I see it


13. It cannot be overlooked that


14. Taking into account all the factors


15. All things considered




1. 培养英语写作习惯


2. 学习常用的句型和词汇


3. 注意文章结构和逻辑


4. 注意语法和拼写


5. 练习模板和范文


As a high school student with zero English foundation how can we write a good English composition Here are some practical methods and skills to help you.

1. Develop the habit of writing English

Developing the habit of writing English is very important. You can practice writing simple English diaries thoughts small stories etc. every day to improve your English level and writing ability. At the same time you can also ask teachers and classmates to modify and guide your works to continuously improve your writing skills.

2. Learn common sentence structures and vocabulary

In writing common sentence structures and vocabulary are very important. You can master these sentence structures and vocabulary by memorizing and practicing to improve your writing skills. At the same time pay attention to the collocation and usage of vocabulary to avoid grammar errors and inappropriate expressions.

3. Pay attention to the structure and logic of the article

In writing the structure and logic of the article are also very important. Pay attention to the connection and transition of the beginning middle and end of the article to achieve overall coherence and unity. At the same time pay attention to the logic of the article to ensure clear expression and clear organization.

4. Pay attention to grammar and spelling

In writing grammar and spelling are also very important. Pay attention to various grammar issues such as verb tense subject-verb agreement singular and plural nouns adjective and adverb usage and avoid errors. At the same time pay attention to spelling to ensure that words are spelled correctly.

5. Practice templates and sample compositions

In the preparation process you can practice some templates and sample compositions to better demonstrate your writing ability in the exam. Through the practice of templates and sample compositions you can understand the structure and expression of the article and better cope with the exam.

标签: 高分 高考

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