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关于”事实胜于雄辩“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Facts speak louder than words。以下是关于事实胜于雄辩的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Facts speak louder than words

Action is better than eloquence, and action is two kinds of emotional behavior. Ironically, some people always talk and do nothing. Therefore, I fully agree with the saying that "action is better than eloquence", because insufficient reason is better than laziness, cleverness is better than stupidity, honesty is better than dishonesty.

Anyone will admit that, but in this life, many people know good but do not follow, evil does not avoid, for example, they still smoke, although they know it is not good, no one can match them in words But their behavior is not worth it. It's easier said than done. Moreover, if you only say non concrete actions, you will become a boaster.

People may look down on you. What should you do? You must act. If you act without language, you can become a smart person.

People will not compare you with those who are talkative and useless. In a word, you can't help it Action is the way to make people admire you. Don't say much, just act, because action is better than eloquence.




"Action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than language", "action is better than language" action is better than language "our earth is being seriously damaged, we should just say it orally, or take practical measures to protect it, or take practical measures to protect it, we should just say it orally, or take practical measures to protect it, or take practical measures to protect it, our earth is suffering serious damage, we should just say it orally, or take practical measures to protect it, or take practical measures to protect it, our earth is suffering serious damage, we should just say it, or take practical measures to protect it.What? The answer must be the latter immediate action, such as stopping cutting down trees to improve the environment; action is also important in other fields, rather than shouting empty slogans. It is more meaningful to donate books and sporting goods to children in need. We should strictly abide by the traffic rules and stop at the red light instead of complaining about traffic jams.

Only by doing what we say, can we do it Make a difference in what we want to accomplish.


,“行动胜于雄辩”; :横幅树桩 : : 行动胜于言语 :行动胜于言语 :行动胜于语言 :行动胜于语言“我们的地球正在遭受严重的,我们应该只是口头上说说而已,还是采取实际措施来保护它?答案肯定是后一种立即采取的行动,例如停止砍伐树木以改善环境;行动在其他领域也很重要,而不是喊出空洞的口号,它更有意义向需要帮助的孩子捐赠书籍和体育用品我们应该严格遵守交通规则,在红灯前停车,而不是抱怨交通堵塞,只有言行一致,我们才能在我们希望完成的事情中有所作为。






In modern society people need to use language to express their opinions and ideas in various occasions. However in some situations facts are more important and persuasive than beautiful words.

Firstly facts are objective truth and not influenced by personal feelings biases or subjective conjectures. If we just talk without any evidence or data to support our views our words are likely to be questioned or refuted.

Secondly facts can provide stronger persuasion for our views. When we use facts to support our views our arguments become more credible and reliable. This credibility and reliability can earn the respect and trust of our audience or viewers thus more effectively conveying our ideas and information.

Therefore we should focus on facts and learn to integrate them into our language expressions. When delivering speeches writing articles or debating we should use reliable data quote authoritative expert opinions and provide specific examples to support our views. In this way we can better make people accept our views.

标签: 高分 四级

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