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The first day of the Lunar New Year is "welcome from the gods of heaven and earth.". Many people don't eat meat on the first day of the new year because people believe it will guarantee their long life and happiness. Chinese people pray to their ancestors and all the gods.

They are very kind to dogs and feed them because people believe that the second day is the birthday of all dogs; the third and fourth days are the days when sons pay homage to their parents; the fifth day is called Baoyu, On that day, people stay at home to welcome God's wealth. No one will visit family and friends on the fifth day, because it will bring bad luck to both sides. From the sixth day to the seventh day, Chinese people will visit their relatives and friends freely, and they will also go to temples to pray for good luck and health.

The seventh day of the new year is a day for farmers to display their agricultural products and drink seven kinds of vegetables to celebrate. The seventh day is also recognized Eat noodles for human birthday to promote longevity and success of raw fish. On the eighth day, fujianren had another family reunion dinner.

At midnight, they prayed to the heavenly palace. On the ninth day, the God offered sacrifices to the Jade Emperor. From June to June, relatives and friends were invited to dinner after eating so much rich food.

On this day, you had to eat some simple rice porridge and mus to purify the system. The fourth day was to celebrate the Lantern Festival and hold it in the evening That's ok.




1. My Favorite Hobby 我最喜欢的爱好

My favorite hobby is reading. I enjoy reading books about different subjects such as history science and fiction. Reading is a relaxing activity that allows me to escape from reality and immerse myself in a different world. I also like to discuss the books I read with my friends and family which helps me gain new perspectives and ideas.


2. My Daily Routine 我的日常生活

My daily routine usually starts with waking up early in the morning and doing some light exercise. After that I have breakfast and get ready for work or school. During the day I spend most of my time working studying or running errands. In the evening I like to relax and unwind by watching TV reading a book or spending time with my family. Before going to bed I like to reflect on my day and plan for the next one.


3. My Dream Job 我的理想工作

My dream job is to become a journalist. I love writing and storytelling and being a journalist would allow me to use those skills to inform and educate people about important issues. I also enjoy traveling and exploring new places and being a journalist would give me the opportunity to see the world and meet new people. Overall being a journalist would allow me to make a positive impact on society and pursue my passions.


4. My Favorite Food 我最喜欢的食物

My favorite food is sushi. I love the combination of fresh fish rice and sea and the different flavors and textures of each roll. Sushi is also a healthy option that is low in calories and high in protein which makes it a great choice for a quick and satisfying meal. Whether I'm out at a restaurant or it at home sushi always satisfies my appetite and leaves me feeling satisfied.


5. My Favorite Animal 我最喜欢的动物

My favorite animal is the dolphin. I love their playful and intelligent nature and the way they move gracefully through the water. Dolphins are also known for their social behavior and communication skills which makes them fascinating to observe. Whenever I see dolphins at the zoo or in the wild I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder.


6. My Favorite Movie 我最喜欢的电影

My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. I love the way the characters develop throughout the film and the themes of hope and perseverance that are woven into the story. The performances by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are also outstanding and the film has a timeless quality that makes it enjoyable to watch again and again.


7. My Favorite Sport 我最喜欢的运动

My favorite sport is basketball. I love the fast-paced action of the game and the way that it requires both physical and mental toughness. Basketball also requires teamwork and communication which makes it a great way to bond with friends and develop leadership skills. Whether I'm playing a pickup game at the park or watching a professional game on TV basketball always keeps me engaged and entertained.


8. My Future Plans 我的未来计划

My future plans include finishing my education and pursuing a career in my chosen field. I hope to continue learning and growing both professionally and personally and to have a positive impact on the world around me. I also hope to travel and explore new places learn new languages and meet new people. Ultimately my goal is to live a fulfilling and meaningful life that is guided by my passions and values.


9. My Favorite Travel Destination 我最喜欢的旅行目的地

My favorite travel destination is Japan. I love the unique blend of tradition and modernity that can be found in Japanese cities as well as the beauty and serenity of the countryside. Some of my favorite activities in Japan include visiting historical temples and shrines trying new foods and shopping for traditional crafts and souvenirs. I also enjoy meeting the friendly and hospitable people who always make me feel welcome.



As a primary school band instructor, I asked my students to hand in exercise sheets signed by their parents so that I could be sure they spent enough time me laugh. However, when a parent wrote "practice minutes" on their child's practice sheet, but it looked like an hour note: n band instructor n handed it in under their signature parent: bed sheet so I'm sure they invested enough money era: so that exercise: TF The author is a member of the primary school orchestra. ② the instructor asked the students to hand in the exercise list once a month.

③ the instructor asked the students to have enough time. ④ a child practiced for several hours, but the parents mistook it as only a few minutes. From the text, we can infer that the parents are not interested in music.


作为一个小学的乐队指导员,我要求我的学生交上由他们父母签字的练习单,这样我就可以确定他们花了足够的时间让我笑了。然而,当一位家长在孩子的练习表上写下“练习分钟数,但这看起来像小时笔记:n乐队的指导员n在他们的签名下交上来家长:床单如此我可以肯定他们投入了足够的资金时代:所以那个练习:TF① 作者是小学乐团的一员②指导员要求学生每月交一次练习单③指导员要求学生有足够的时间④一个孩子练习了几个小时,但家长误以为只有几分钟⑤从课文中我们可以推断出家长对音乐不感兴趣①F②F③T④F⑤T。

标签: 范文 万能 小学

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