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关于”xx年二大“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Second in 2018。以下是关于xx年二大的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Second in 2018

英语二大作文题目How to Maintain a Positive Attitude in a Stressful Environment


In a world where stress is almost unavoidable it’s important to learn how to maintain a positive attitude. A positive attitude can help us cope with stress and make it easier to find solutions to problems. Here are a few tips on how to maintain a positive attitude in a stressful environment.






万能作文模板2:2018 年第二

题目People’s Views on Job-hopping



Nowadays job-hopping has become a common phenomenon among employees especially young professionals. Some people believe that job-hopping is beneficial while others think it may have negative consequences.

On one -hopping can bring many advantages to employees. Firstly it provides opportunities for them to broaden their horizons learn new skills and gain more experience which can enhance their professional competence and competitiveness in the job market. Secondly it may lead to higher salaries and better working conditions as employees can negotiate better terms and conditions with their new employers based on their valuable skills and experiences. Finally job-hopping can also help employees to find a job that better matches their interests values and career goals which can improve their job satisfaction and motivation.

On the other hand there are also some drawbacks of job-hopping. Firstly employees who change jobs too frequently may be viewed as disloyal uncommitted or unreliable which can damage their reputation and career prospects in the long run. Secondly frequent job changes can also disrupt employees’ work-life balance as they need to adapt to new work environments colleagues and routines which can be stressful and time-consuming. Finally job-hopping may not always guarantee better jobs or career development as employees may encounter similar challenges problems or dissatisfaction in their new workplaces.

In conclusion people's views on job-hopping are varied and there are advantages and disadvantages to consider. However if employees can manage their career transitions wisely and strategically job-hopping may be a viable option for them to achieve their career goals and personal aspirations.






Possible English version

Directions Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture. In your essay you should

1) describe the picture briefly

2) explain its intended meaning and

3) give your comments on the message conveyed.

The picture presents a scene where a father and his son are watching TV together but the father is too busy with his smartphone to pay attention to his child. The son is looking at his father with a sad face and says "Dad put it down and play with me."

The intended meaning of the picture is to highlight the problem of digital distraction especially among parents who tend to be glued to their screens and neglect their children's emotional needs. The picture suggests that modern technology despite its benefits can also become a barrier to human connection and interaction particularly within families.

My comments on the message conveyed by the picture are that it is a timely reminder of the importance of balance between our digital lives and our real lives. Although smartphones and other gadgets have made our lives more convenient productive and entertaining they should not replace our fundamental roles as human beings such as being parents friends or simply compassionate individuals who care about others. We need to embrace technology with caution and mindfulness and use it as a tool rather than a substitute for authentic communication and bonding.

标签: 范文 真题 考研

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