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关于”健康的身体“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:healthy body。以下是关于健康的身体的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:healthy body

In today's society, people have realized the importance of keeping healthy and good living habits. People eat three meals at home. They eat more vegetables than meat and fish.

They are very strong and seldom go to the doctor. Now life is good, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other high-fat food. They often go out to eat with their family and friends forever, but they are easy to get sick.

Why do I think eating more meat and less exercise is not conducive to good health, good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are beneficial to health, so I exercise every day, my eating habits are very good I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and milk every day. I drink a glass of water a few minutes before every meal.

I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Of course, I also like it very much. I eat it once a week and sleep nine hours a day.

If we develop good eating habits, the happier our life will be.





The biggest mistake in life is to take health as a matter of life. The biggest sorrow in life is to worry about the individual in life. The biggest waste is to use life to solve one's own problems.

The biggest sorrow in life is that, for the sake of filial piety, the biggest sorrow in life is that the family is not rich, the first is the biggest regret in life. Find one when I don't understand what you should do When the mind is calm, the spirit is eternal, the desire reaches the bottom, and the rationality is sublimated to the highest point, you will realize that peace is happiness, health is rich, the soul is permanent, there is no passion for life, intelligent people can read it, smart people see it, far above all, the direction of the wise is the voice of fools, can not give up the past ignorance, the best doctor is you Self, the best medicine is time, the best mood is quiet, smile is the best care, the best exercise is the happiness of feet, the medicine of longevity, diligence is the best health, exercise is the investment of health, longevity is a healthy return, don't ask to leave spring, talk about peace is not as good as medicine, money can't buy health, health is more important than money, money can't buy happiness, happiness, health The happiness of life is not fame and wealth in health, physical strength is not money in exercise, in the diet Festival, in reading, in exercise constantly, diet nourishes the stomach, read more and be brave. Like norbuxik and doctors, it is better to block the source of disease than to seek a panacea.

Instead of seeing a doctor through the mouth and looking for space as usual to exercise more life, it is not the length of life, but the morning and night of epiphany It is not used to correct others' rights and wrongs, but to practice one's own beautiful life. Good habits are to store health. To indulge in bad habits is an overdraft of life.

The excuse is that you don't have time to exercise. Sooner or later, you will have free time to see a doctor.




"Are your friends you fat now?" said Dr. Gavan Fitzsimmons, a professor of marketing and psychology at Duke University? Now research shows that you may want to see other people's eating habits, because humans are social mimics, which means that we reflect the behavior of people around us. "As more and more Americans are overweight, scientists are very interested in subconscious cues that affect our eating habits." there's no need to wire things with you BFF cancels dinner dates, but it may help to understand why her presence encourages you to order desserts and see how different people affect your diet scale: influencer: your slim friends people tend to eat time at the University of British Columbia According to a study by McMaster University in Ontario: your half acquaintance, a researcher from doxisha University in Kyoto, Japan, believes that optimists are more likely to succumb to temptation: they may Making you "live" is also a factor: married women with your husband are more than twice as likely to be obese as single or dating women, according to a study by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Influencers: Friends of your friends' friends," a Harvard Medical School study shows that if friends' friends are also obese, your risk of obesity increases by percent.


杜克大学市场营销和心理学教授加万·菲茨西蒙斯博士说:“现在你的朋友们让你发胖了吗?现在研究表明,你可能想看别人的饮食习惯,因为人类是社会的模仿品,这意味着我们反映了周围人的行为,”随着越来越多的美国人超重,科学家们对影响我们饮食习惯的潜意识暗示非常感兴趣“没必要和你的Wirething bff取消晚餐约会,但这可能有助于了解为什么她的出现会鼓励你点甜点看看不同的人会如何影响你的饮食量表:影响者:你苗条的朋友人们往往会吃时间不列颠哥伦比亚大学(university of british columbia)的一项影响因素研究报告称,与男性约会的女性相比,女性与男性约会时摄入的热量要少于女,根据安大略省麦克马斯特大学的一项研究:你的半个半熟的朋友,来自日本京都多西沙大学的研究人员认为乐观主义者更容易屈服于诱惑:他们可能会促使你“活一点,“也是影响因素:你丈夫已婚的女性肥胖的可能性是单身或约会女性的两倍多,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的一项研究报告《影响者:你朋友的朋友的朋友》哈佛医学院的研究表明,如果朋友的朋友也是肥胖的,你变胖的风险会增加%。

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