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关于”对补课的看法“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Views on make-up lessons。以下是关于对补课的看法的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on make-up lessons


On the one hand many parents believe that attending extra cl can help their children better master knowledge and improve academic performance. On the other hand some people argue that excessive tutoring can harm children's physical and mental health and even strain family relationships. Therefore it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons carefully and consider the necessity and methods of tutoring.


Firstly the right amount of tutoring can help students better understand and master knowledge. It can make up for the content that has not been learned in the regular class and supplements the details that teachers do not have time to explain. Some targeted tutoring such as Chinese reading mathematical thinking and English speaking can help students improve their academic performance more quickly.


Secondly tutoring can help improve students' confidence and motivation. Some students may find it difficult to keep up with the progress of regular cl due to their learning abilities or interests. If they can find a suitable learning method and pace in the tutoring class they can better understand and master knowledge and also have a greater sense of accomplishment and confidence.


However tutoring also has some negative effects. Long-term tutoring can cause mental and physical burdens on students. Excessive tutoring may cause students to lack free time and rest time unable to cultivate hobbies and social skills and may affect their physical and mental health and family relationships.


In summary tutoring is not absolutely good or bad and should be evaluated based on the specific situation. If a child needs further help in some subjects moderate tutoring can be considered. However it should be noted that excessive tutoring can affect students' physical and mental health. Parents should consider whether to let their children attend tutoring cl carefully.


补课(Make-up Cl)





From ancient times Chinese people have attached great importance to education. In the students' learning career make-up cl have become a common phenomenon. Make-up cl refer to supplementary learning activities arranged outside the claoom. To some extent make-up cl should be a completely voluntary activity. Only when students truly feel the need will they be willing to spend time and money on it.

The purpose of make-up cl is to help students improve their grades supplement knowledge and relieve academic pressure. Some students may have poor learning attitudes or communication barriers with teachers resulting in poor grades. At this time make-up cl can provide more personalized coaching and help students overcome difficulties and improve their grades.

However make-up cl also have some problems. Some students overly rely on make-up cl and lack self-learning ability some parents also stress make-up cl too much which suppresses children's interests and creativity. At the same time some make-up class institutions also use the anxiety of parents and students to conduct unnecessary "quick make-up cl" and even use the blind pursuit of make-up cl to engage in "cheating for make-up" phenomenon.

Make-up cl are a beneficial supplementary learning method but we also need to recognize their limitations and problems. We should encourage students to gradually develop self-learning abilities constantly improve their learning abilities and ultimately achieve true self-improvement. At the same time the government schools and parents should also strengthen supervision of make-up class institutions to ensure that students can truly obtain effective learning help through make-up cl.


As a student I have mixed feelings about remedial cl. On one hand they can offer a chance for struggling students to catch up and keep pace with their peers. On the other hand they can be seen as a punishment or a sign of failure.


I believe that there are situations when remedial cl are necessary and beneficial. For example if a student is struggling in a certain subject remedial cl can provide extra help and support. Additionally some students may benefit from the smaller class sizes and personalized attention that remedial cl can offer.


However I also believe that remedial cl should not be the default option for struggling students. Teachers and schools should work to identify the root causes of a student’s difficulties and provide targeted interventions.


In summary remedial cl can be a valuable resource for students in need of extra help. However they should not be seen as a punishment or an inevitability. Teachers and schools should work to support struggling students in a variety of ways and provide targeted interventions based on individual needs.


标签: 小学 真题

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