关于”3.5级“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Level 3.5。以下是关于3.5级的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Level 3.5
In front of us is a picture of a student carrying a heavy scolbag to scol. It is reported that the average weight of scolbag of primary scol students in China is kilogram. It is very common for junior high scol students to be overweight.
It is difficult for people to realize that this is a phenomenon. There are several reasons for this. First of all, students bear too much pressure on their studies.
Compeion among peers is very fierce As we all know, more reading does not necessarily mean higher scores. The most important thing is to the essence of w to put what has been learned into practice. Only when the public is aware of this, can stuifenz's scolbag become lighter.
万能作文模板2:3.5 级
Er, smaller, smaller, higher, faster, faster, faster, faster, better, smaller, better, bigger, later, newest, easier, happier, earlier, bigger, thinner and more, the most popular, the most popular, the most delicious, the fastest, the better, the better, the better, the her, the her, the her and her Farther, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, her, older, older, older, older, older, older, older, older, younger joke is more interesting because he did not do his mework as seriously as Kate did, so the earth Which is cheaper than the moon, T-shirt or shirt T-shirt a + T-shirt of the two girls + + she sings better than the two girls. When spring comes, the days get longer and longer, Cngqing is more and more beautiful, and the more you have, the more you want. A little, even, it's much colder than yesterday.
My pear is bigger than yours. Mary is worse than Lucy and he is higher than meish She's three years younger than me. She's three times faster than us.
Shanghai is the biggest city in China. Shanghai is the smartest girl in the tree. She's the smartest girl in the cl.
This is the best picture he's ever painted. He sings best. One of the best singers in cl A.
Jay Cu is one of the most popular singers in Taiwan. The Yangtze River is the first longest river in China. The biggest one is the sun, the earth or running The fastest moon, Kate, Tom or Mike, I've seen / heard / read that you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
When Amy goldfish was filling a le in the garden, her neighbor peeped from the fence and was very interested in what the cheeky young man was doing. He politely asked, "what are you doing there, Amy." "my goldfish is dead," Amy replied, crying witut looking at it. "I just buried him." The neighbor was worried, "this is a big le for goldfish, isn't it?" Amy patted the last pile of dirt and replied, "that's because it's in your cat.".
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