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关于”陌生人的善意“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The kindness of strangers.。以下是关于陌生人的善意的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The kindness of strangers.

A sergeant asked a stranger to show his pass. A stranger didn't trust a stranger. A stranger entertained a stranger.

A stranger made a stranger a stranger. He said, "I'm very direct. It's directly proportional to the open direct control system.




This time, "yes", I will help a stranger. You are a stranger to me. I write this composition to help you help a stranger.

Hurst writes a composition. I don't need to spend any money. I only need five minutes to complete it.

So in daily life, if we help strangers, most of us have the experience of helping strangers, It's like giving directions to a lost boy on a bus, giving a seat to an old lady, and seeing a smile on someone's face. It's just like an old saying: give roses to others, and the lasting fragrance will stay in your hands. Therefore, it is necessary to help others.

Nowadays, professional swindlers often take advantage of kindness, helpfulness and enthusiasm For example, once, my grandmother did not hesitate to give a ragged beggar. He lay on the street hoping to be pitied, but the next week, he was seen eating and drinking in restaurants and hotels. Being generous to them may not bring you happiness, but regret and anger.

In short, we should be ready to help others, because when we meet strangers, it will make us feel better and make our society more harmonious. We should be careful not to help them and get ourselves into trouble.





In our daily lives we often encounter strangers who are in need of help. Sometimes a small gesture of kindness can go a long way in someone's day better. I believe that helping strangers is not only a responsibility but also a way to practice empathy and a way to make the world a better place.


Helping a stranger can take many different forms. For example holding the door open for someone who has their hands full helping someone pick up their dropped belongings or offering to carry someone's heavy bags up the stairs are all simple acts of kindness that can make a big difference in someone's day.


Moreover helping strangers can also be a way to learn more about people and different cultures. By taking the time to assist someone who is in need we can gain a new perspective and understanding of their situation. We can also build connections with people who we might not have had the chance to meet otherwise.


In conclusion helping strangers is not only beneficial for the person in need but also for ourselves and the world around us. It is a small act of kindness that can have a huge impact. So let's always be on the lookout for opportunities to help those in need and make a difference in someone's day.


标签: 万能 小学

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