英语必修三作文是什么意思 英语必修三作文的读音、翻译、用法

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关于”必修三“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Compulsory three。以下是关于必修三的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Compulsory three

Today's life is a gift. Before you say a unkind word, think of a person who can't speak. Before you complain about your husband or wife, think about a person who has nothing to eat.

Think about today, before you complain about life, call on God for a partner, think about people who may have died before they die, who complain about the distance you drive, and think about those who are in you If you're tired and complain about your work, walk the same distance. Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who want to get your job. When depressed thoughts make you depressed, put a smile on your face and think: you're still alive, and there's a reason why you're still alive.




1. Dear Future Me (亲爱的未来的我)







Dear Future Me

I hope that you have achieved the goals in your life and become the person you’ve always dreamed of. I hope that you have experienced many wonderful things learned many useful skills and shared many happy times with the people you love.

I know that there will be many challenges and difficulties in life but I believe that you have learned how to deal with them. Remember every difficulty has a solution and it’s important to stay optimistic and persistent. When you face setbacks don’t give up and believe in your abilities and talents.

Lastly I hope that you continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise. Remember the body is the container of the mind and only with a healthy body can you have a better life.


The present you

2. My Dream School (我的梦想学校)






My dream school is a brand-new advanced school with many unique features. Firstly my dream school is a diverse school that welcomes students from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Students can learn from each other and share their culture and experiences here.

Secondly my dream school emphasizes extracurricular activities and provides students with a variety of clubs and activities including sports music art technology and more. Students can partite in these activities according to their interests and make friends with their peers.

In addition my dream school also emphasizes the cultivation of students' creativity and innovation. Students can propose their own ideas and opinions in their cl and partite in innovative competitions and projects.

Finally my dream school also pays attention to students' mental health. The school provides psychological counseling and support to help students overcome challenges and difficulties in their growth.

My dream school is a school that supports the all-round development of students. I believe that in such a school I will learn more grow faster and become a better self.




Voluntary Service

Voluntary service is the act of offering one's time and talents to help others without any financial reward. It is a le and meaningful way of giving back to the community.

The purpose of voluntary service is to provide help and assistance to those in need and to improve the welfare of individuals and communities. Voluntary service requires dedication commitment and a willingness to give of oneself. It also requires a sense of responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact on the world.

There are many different types of voluntary service including working with the elderly helping the disadvantaged assisting with environmental issues and supporting charitable organizations. Each type of service has its own unique challenges and rewards.

The benefits of voluntary service are numerous. Volunteerism provides an opportunity to meet new people learn new skills and gain valuable life experience. It also fosters a sense of fulfillment and personal satisfaction that comes from helping others. Voluntary service is a rewarding and enriching experience that can change one's life forever.







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