sot是什么意思 sot的读音、翻译、用法

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sot 这个词语来源于英语,意思是“醉汉,酒鬼”,常见的翻译包括:醉鬼、酒醉的人、酒徒等。这个词语通常用来形容一个人因为饮酒过度而变得醉醺醺的状态。

以下是9个含有 sot 的例句:

1. He was a sot who spent all his money on alcohol.(他是一个酒鬼,把所有的钱都花在了酒上。)

2. His reputation as a sot had ruined his chances of getting a job.(他被认为是一个醉鬼,这了他获得工作的机会。)

3. The sot stumbled out of the bar and into the street.(那个醉汉从酒吧里蹒跚而出,走进了街道。)

4. The old sot was a regular at the local pub.(那个老酒鬼是当地酒吧的常客。)

5. The sot's clothes were stained with alcohol.(那个酒鬼的衣服上沾满了酒精。)

6. The town had a reputation for producing sots and ne'er-do-wells.(这个城镇因生产酒鬼和无赖而出了名。)

7. The sot slurred his words as he spoke.(那个醉鬼说话时口齿不清。)

8. The sot was arrested for disorderly conduct.(那个醉汉因为不守秩序被逮捕了。)

9. The sot's family had all but given up on him.(那个酒鬼的家人几乎已经放弃他了。)


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