Eurygaster integriceps是什么意思 Eurygaster integriceps的读音、翻译、用法

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'Eurygaster integriceps'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“小麦黑穗蝽”,是小麦黑穗蝽科(Eurygasteridae)昆虫的一种。它是小麦、大麦、燕麦等谷类农作物的主要危害虫害之一,会吸食植物的汁液,导致叶片变黄、枯萎等症状,影响农作物的产量和质量。

以下是9个含有'Eurygaster integriceps'的例句:

1. Eurygaster integriceps is a harmful pest to wheat and barley crops.(Eurygaster integriceps是对小麦和大麦作物有害的虫害。)

2. The population of Eurygaster integriceps is on the rise in some regions.(Eurygaster integriceps在某些地区的数量正在增加。)

3. The farmer used pesticides to control Eurygaster integriceps in his wheat field.(农民使用农药在他的小麦田控制Eurygaster integriceps。)

4. The damage caused by Eurygaster integriceps can significantly reduce the yield of crops.(Eurygaster integriceps造成的损害会显著降低作物的产量。)

5. Eurygaster integriceps is a major pest in many wheat producing countries.(Eurygaster integriceps是许多小麦生产国的主要害虫。)

6. The government has taken measures to prevent the spread of Eurygaster integriceps.(已采取措施防止Eurygaster integriceps的传播。)

7. Researchers are studying new ways to control Eurygaster integriceps.(研究人员正在研究新的控制Eurygaster integriceps的方法。)

8. The damage caused by Eurygaster integriceps can lead to economic losses for farmers.(Eurygaster integriceps造成的损害可以导致农民的经济损失。)

9. Eurygaster integriceps can lay up to 100 eggs in a season.(Eurygaster integriceps在一个季节中可以产下多达100个。)


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