Atriplex confertifolia是什么意思 Atriplex confertifolia的读音、翻译、用法

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"Atriplex confertifolia" 是拉丁语,直接翻译为中文即为“密花滩藜”。这是一种盐碱土地上常见的植物,分布在北美洲的干燥地区,如美国、墨西哥等地。它是一种耐旱、耐盐碱的植物,可以作为草原防护林,还有一些医学用途。

以下为含有“Atriplex confertifolia”的例句:

1. Atriplex confertifolia is a common shrub in the Great Basin Desert. (密花滩藜是大盆地沙漠中常见的灌木。)

2. The leaves of Atriplex confertifolia are edible and were an important food source for Native Americans. (密花滩藜的叶子可以食用,曾是美洲的重要食物来源。)

3. Atriplex confertifolia is known to accumulate heavy metals in its tissues, it useful for phytoremediation. (密花滩藜可以在组织中积累重金属,因此在植物修复中具有一定的应用价值。)

4. The cultivation of Atriplex confertifolia has been shown to improve soil fertility in salt-affected lands. (种植密花滩藜已被证明可以改善盐碱土地的土壤肥力。)

5. Atriplex confertifolia is sometimes used in traditional medicine to treat skin conditions. (密花滩藜有时被用于传统医学中治疗皮肤问题。)

6. The seeds of Atriplex confertifolia are a good source of protein and can be used to make flour. (密花滩藜的是良好的蛋白质来源,可以用来制作面粉。)

7. Atriplex confertifolia is a commonly used plant in landscaping for its drought tolerance and hardiness. (密花滩藜常用于园林设计中,因其耐干旱和坚韧的特性。)

8. Atriplex confertifolia is one of the few plants that can tolerate the high salt levels found in coastal regions. (密花滩藜是少数能够耐受沿海地区高盐水平的植物之一。)

9. Atriplex confertifolia has been used in traditional Navajo ceremonies as a symbol of fertility and abundance. (密花滩藜在传统的纳瓦霍仪式中被用作生育和丰收的象征。)


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