VRE是什么意思 VRE的读音、翻译、用法

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VRE不是一种语言,它是英文“Virtual Reality Experience(虚拟现实体验)”的缩写。在计算机技术领域中,VRE指的是通过虚拟现实技术来创造沉浸式体验的应用程序或游戏。


1. This VRE simulation lets you experience a rollercoaster ride without leaving your couch.(这个虚拟现实模拟使你能够在不离开沙发的情况验过山车之旅。)

2. I tried a VRE game where I could explore an abandoned haunted house.(我尝试了一个虚拟现实游戏,可以探索一个废弃的鬼屋。)

3. The medical students used a VRE program to practice surgery technique.(医学生使用虚拟现实程序练习手术技术。)

4. The VRE headset immerses you in a 360-degree visual and audio experience.(虚拟现实头戴设备让你沉浸在一个360度的视听体验中。)

5. A VRE tour of the Louvre Museum lets you see famous works of art like the Mona Lisa up close.(卢浮宫博物馆的虚拟现实之旅让你近距离看到蒙娜丽莎等著名艺术品。)

6. The VRE simulation of a safari takes you on a journey through the African savannah.(非洲草原的虚拟现实模拟带你踏上一段旅程。)

7. A VRE game where you can fly like a bird through the city skyline.(一个让你在城市天际线上像鸟一样飞翔的虚拟现实游戏。)

8. The VRE program used in PTSD therapy helps veterans confront past traumatic events.(在创伤后应激障碍治疗中使用的虚拟现实程序,帮助退伍面对过去的创伤经历。)

9. The VRE technology is being explored in education as a tool for immersive learning.(虚拟现实技术正被探索用作沉浸式学习的工具。)


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