Grevillea是什么意思 Grevillea的读音、翻译、用法

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'Grevillea'这个词语来源于拉丁语,是为了纪念英国皇家学会会员查尔斯·格雷维尔(Charles Greville)而命名的。Grevillea是一种植物,属于豆科植物,产于澳大利亚。这种植物的花朵形状独特,经常被用作园艺装饰。


1. The Grevillea flowers attract many birds.(Grevillea花朵吸引了许多鸟类。)

2. I planted a Grevillea bush in my garden. (我在花园里种植了一棵Grevillea灌木。)

3. The Grevillea is a beautiful addition to any garden. (Grevillea是花园中美丽的补充。)

4. The Grevillea is often used as a cut flower in floral arrangements.(Grevillea经常被用作插花材料。)

5. The Grevillea is drought-tolerant and easy to care for.(Grevillea耐旱,易于养护。)

6. The Grevillea needs full sun in order to bloom.(Grevillea需要充足的日照才能开花。)

7. The Grevillea's leaves are long and narrow.(Grevillea的叶子又细又长。)

8. The Grevillea is a popular choice for landscaping.(Grevillea是园林景观设计中很受欢迎的选择。)

9. The Grevillea is a native plant of Australia.(Grevillea是澳大利亚的本土植物。)


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