Nasonia vitripennis是什么意思 Nasonia vitripennis的读音、翻译、用法

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'Nasonia vitripennis'是拉丁语,翻译成中文为“透明蜂”。它是一种小型的寄生性胡蜂,体长只有2-3毫米,主要以寄生果蝇的幼虫为食。


1. Nasonia vitripennis is a parasitic wasp that is used extensively in genetic research.(透明蜂是一种寄生性胡蜂,在基因研究中被广泛应用。)

2. The genome of Nasonia vitripennis has been fully sequenced.(透明蜂的基因组已经被完全测序。)

3. Scientists are studying the reproduction and behavior of Nasonia vitripennis.(科学家正在研究透明蜂的繁殖和行为。)

4. Nasonia vitripennis is known for its ability to parasitize several species of fruit flies.(透明蜂以其寄生几种果蝇的能力而闻名。)

5. The biology of Nasonia vitripennis is being explored to better understand the evolution of parasitism.(研究透明蜂的生物学,以更好地理解寄生主义的进化。)

6. The larvae of Nasonia vitripennis feed on the pupae of fruit flies.(透明蜂的幼虫以果蝇的蛹为食。)

7. Nasonia vitripennis is a model organism for studying the evolution of parasitic wasps.(透明蜂是研究寄生性胡蜂进化的模式生物。)

8. Nasonia vitripennis is a valuable tool for studying the genetics of behavior.(透明蜂是研究行为遗传学的宝贵工具。)

9. The venom of Nasonia vitripennis has potential for use in pest control.(透明蜂的毒液有潜在的用于害虫控制。)


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