set是什么意思 set的读音、翻译、用法

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1. I need to set up a meeting with my team. (我需要安排一个与我的团队的会议。)

2. Please set the table for dinner. (请为晚餐摆桌子。)

3. The sun has set. (太阳已经落山了。)


1. This set of books is very popular. (这套书非常受欢迎。)

2. My grandmother gave me a beautiful tea set. (我的祖母送给我一个美丽的茶具。)

3. The set design for the play was stunning. (这场戏的布景设计非常惊艳。)


1. I have a set routine every morning. (我每天早上都有一个固定的流程。)

2. The set date for the wedding is in June. (婚礼的固定日期是在xx月份。)

3. The set menu for the event looked delicious. (这个活动准备的定型菜单看起来很美味。)


1. The alarm clock is set to go off at 7am. (闹钟设定在早上7点响。)

2. The bird perched set on the branch. (鸟儿稳稳地停在树枝上。)

3. The price is set to increase next month. (价格预计下个月会涨。)


1. Can you set the table for dinner? (你能帮忙摆餐具吗?)

2. The company has set a new record for sales this quarter. (这家公司这个季度销售额创下了新纪录。)

3. The film crew is setting up the set for the next scene. (电影组正在为下一个场景布置布景。)

4. He set his alarm clock for 5am. (他把闹钟设置在5点。)

5. The children built a sandcastle set on the beach. (孩子们在沙滩上建了一个沙堡。)

6. The teacher set the students a difficult assignment. (老师给学生们布置了一项困难的作业。)

7. The restaurant offers a set menu for special occasions. (这个餐厅为特殊场合提供定型菜单。)

8. The sun has set and it's starting to get dark. (太阳已经落山了,天色开始变暗。)

9. She set her sights on a career in medicine. (她把目光投向了医学事业。)


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