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Nowadays more and more people are paying attention to the issue of environmental protection. The earth is our home and it is our responsibility to protect it. However some people still ignore the importance of environmental protection and continue to harm the environment.

There are many ways in which we can protect the environment. For example we can reduce the use of plastics recycle waste products and save energy by turning off lights and unplugging appliances when they are not in use. In addition we can also plant trees use public transportation and encourage others to do the same.

Taking action to protect the environment not only benefits the earth but also benefits us. By protecting the environment we can live in a cleaner and healthier world. We can also save resources and help to reduce the costs of environmental damage.

In conclusion environmental protection is not just a personal responsibility but also a collective responsibility. We should all take action to protect our planet and make it a better place to live.






Possible English version

I have no personal emotions or experiences to share. However I have been programmed by my creators to understand and yze human language and to provide helpful suggestions for communication and writing.

In the context of the 2021 English Writing Test I would suggest that candidates focus on the following points

1. Understanding the prompt Read and understand the given topic or question carefully and make sure to address all aspects of it in your essay.

2. Organizing the essay Plan and structure your essay in a logical and coherent way with clear introduction body paragraphs and conclusion. Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and guide the reader.

3. Using relevant examples Support your argument or ysis with specific and relevant examples either from your own experience or from literature history current events or other sources.

4. Using appropriate language Choose your words and expressions carefully and avoid common mistakes such as spelling grammar punctuation or vocabulary errors. Use varied sentence structures and rhetorical devices to create a polished and effective essay.

5. Showing critical thinking Demonstrate your ability to think critically and logically about the topic and to yze multiple perspectives and arguments. Use evidence and reasoning to support your own views while acknowledging and addressing counterarguments.

By following these guidelines candidates can improve their chances of writing a successful and impactful essay regardless of their background or proficiency in English. Practice and feedback are also important factors in developing writing skills so keep practicing and seeking feedback from others.











Possible English Writing

Title Reflections on the Post-pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the world disrupting our daily lives economies and societies. As vaccines are gradually deployed and restrictions are lifted we are entering a new phase of the crisis. However the impact of the pandemic will not disappear overnight and we need to reflect on the lessons we have learned and the changes that we should make to build a better future.

Firstly the pandemic has exposed the fragility and inequalities of our global systems. From the inadequate health infrastructures in many countries to the digital divide and the climate crisis we need to invest in more resilient and inclusive systems that can address the root causes of vulnerability and inequity. This requires international cooperation and innovative solutions such as global health governance digital innovation and sustainable development.

Secondly the pandemic has highlighted the essential role of science technology and innovation in tackling complex problems. From the fast development of vaccines to the use of AI big data and telemedicine in healthcare we have witnessed the power of human creativity and collaboration. We should continue to invest in scientific research and education and to harness the potential of technology to enhance human well-being and sustainability.

Thirdly the pandemic has shown the importance of social solidarity and human resilience in times of crisis. From the selfless sacrifices of frontline workers to the mutual aid and community support among people we have seen the best of humanity. We should cherish and foster these values and build more inclusive and caring communities that can empower individuals and promote social justice.

In conclusion the post-pandemic world calls for a collective effort to rethink our priorities values and actions. We should not go back to the old normal but aim for a new normal that is more equitable sustainable and resilient. Let us learn from the pandemic and work together to build a better future for all.








标签: 高分 高考

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