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关于”中招考试评分标准“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Scoring standard for entrance examination。以下是关于中招考试评分标准的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Scoring standard for entrance examination







1. 内容(30分)

- 主题是否明确(5分)是否符合题目要求是否能突出主题

- 观点是否清晰(5分)是否能明确表述自己的看法是否有提出明确的建议

- 论述是否充分(10分)是否能够展开论述是否有充分的论据和事例来支持观点

- 论据是否有力(5分)是否有充足的论据来支持观点是否有统计数据或者例子

- 是否具有说服力(5分)是否能够让读者信服是否能够激起读者的思考

2. 语言(30分)

- 语法是否准确(10分)是否能正确使用各种语法结构是否能准确使用时态、语态等

- 用词是否恰当(10分)是否能选用恰当的词汇来表达自己的意思是否有重复使用同一词汇的现象

- 句子是否通顺(5分)是否能正确使用标点符号是否能使用多种句型是否有思路清晰的转折句

- 语言是否地道(5分)是否符合英语表达习惯是否具有英语思维方式

3. 结构(40分)

- 段落是否有序(10分)是否能将整篇文章分成几个段落是否能在每个段落里突出一个明确的内容

- 结构是否完整(10分)是否有明确的开头中间和结尾是否能有一个合适的结论

- 各段之间是否连贯(20分)是否能巧妙的连接不同的段落是否能将各个段落之间的内容有机地联系起来



1. 内容主要评估你论述的内容是否尽可能地完整、合理和有力是否明确表述自己的观点和立场并是否能够给人带来启示和思考

2. 语言主要考察你用英语表达的准确性和准确性包括语法、拼写和词汇的使用是否得当此外也会考虑你是否能使用恰当和流畅的语言来表达自己的思想

3. 结构主要考察你的文章是否有一定的条理和逻辑是否有明确的开头、中间和结尾以及段落之间是否可以自然而然地过渡



1. 内容(Content)包括是否符合主题、观点清晰、论述充分、条理清晰等方面

2. 语言表达(Language)包括语法准确、词汇丰富、表达清晰、语言流畅等方面

3. 结构(Structure)包括段落结构、语句结构、连接词等方面

4. 文化背景(Cultural Background)是否体现了一定的文化素养是否涉及与主题相关的文化知识等方面







Scoring Criteria

1. Content This includes whether the essay is relevant to the topic whether the ideas are expressed clearly whether the arguments are well-developed and whether the structure is orderly.

2. Language expression This includes accurate grammar a rich vocabulary clear expression and fluent language.

3. Structure This includes paragraph structure sentence structure and connectivity.

4. Cultural background Whether the essay reflects a certain cultural literacy whether it involves cultural knowledge related to the theme and other aspects.

Scoring Levels

Excellent The essay is rich in content with clear ideas clear expression fluent language and rigorous structure. There are no grammatical errors and the writer has a high cultural literacy. The score is above 90 points.

Good The essay is relatively rich in content with clear ideas clear expression smooth language reasonable structure some grammatical errors and a relatively rich cultural knowledge reserve. The score is between 80-89 points.

Fair The essay has limited content unclear ideas acceptable expression stiff language loose structure many grammatical errors and a lack of cultural knowledge reserve. The score is between 70-79 points.

Pass The essay is weak in content with confused ideas unclear expression poor language disorganized structure many grammatical errors and a lack of cultural knowledge reserve. The score is between 60-69 points.

Fail The essay is incomplete with disordered ideas unclear expression serious language errors extremely disorganized structure many grammatical errors and an extremely inadequate cultural knowledge reserve. The score is below 60 points.


Task arguments, views and evidence exchange quality vocabulary and sentence structure arguments, views and evidence ideas today, international tourism is the largest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people of different cultural backgrounds. Do you agree or disagree with international tourism tension rather than tension? It's meaningless to understand that traditional life skills and lifestyle will die out when a country develops its technology.

Do you agree or disagree with this view? More and more juvenile delinquents have yzed the possible causes of this phenomenon and put forward some suggestions to prove wild animals It is a waste of resources to try to protect these animals. Do you agree or disagree? We can hardly imagine what our life would be like without wild animals. For example, if there were no cats, there would be more mice.

The increase in the number of mice would lead to the reduction of food resources and the spread of diseases. It is very important to protect animals and wild animals Learning should not provide too much theoretical knowledge, but should give students more practical training. Do you agree or disagree with the argument plan emphasizes the use of causal comparison and comparison of facts and statistical concession and refutation classification to define ogical communication quality task 1.

However, although, it is not necessarily the result, therefore, because of this, in addition, and, moreover, further, for example, for example For example, it actually includes, after, following, before, until, between, vocabulary and sentence structure tasks.



标签: 万能 雅思

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