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关于”白色染“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:white pollution。以下是关于白色染的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:white pollution

White pollution refers to the waste and pollution caused by the excessive use of disposable plastic products which poses a serious threat to the environment and human health. To reduce white pollution we can take the following measures.

Firstly we should reduce the use of disposable plastic products such as plastic bags straws and utensils. We can bring our own reusable bags straws and utensils when we go out which not only reduces waste but also saves resources.

Secondly we should encourage the use of biodegradable and environmentally friendly products. For example we can use paper bags instead of plastic bags and bamboo or wooden utensils instead of plastic ones.

Thirdly we should strengthen the management and regulation of waste disposal and promote the classification and recycling of waste. This will not only reduce waste but also provide resources for new products.

In conclusion reducing white pollution requires the joint efforts of individuals society and governments. We should raise awareness of environmental protection change our consumption habits and promote the use of green and environmentally friendly products to create a better living environment for ourselves and future generations.







White Pollution




In recent years the massive use of plastic products has led to the increasingly serious problem of white pollution. Disposable plastic bags plastic bottles and plastic cutlery can be seen everywhere and are often littered seriously damaging the environment. White pollution not only seriously affects environmental hygiene but also threatens the living environment of wild animals and plants.

We should take action starting from ourselves. Firstly we can try to avoid using disposable plastic products such as carrying eco-friendly shopping bags and using reusable glass cups and tableware. Secondly we should take the initiative to partite in garbage classification work so that plastic products can be effectively processed and recycled.

Let us work together to create a purer and more beautiful environment


With the significant improvement of people's living standards, people are more and more inclined to buy more goods. A large number of plastic bags are discarded, causing white pollution, which not only does harm to the environment, but also gives the impression that the city is dirty. As we know, plastic bags are non biodegradable materials, and they will stay in the soil for a long time.

What's worse, plastic bags are released The toxin is harmful ; as the contemporary young people, we should take measures to control the use of plastic bags. We can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags or reuse plastic bags. If we try our best, the government can formulate rules to avoid the use of plastic bags, reduce the use of plastic bags and control white pollution.


随着人们生活水平的显著提高,人们越来越倾向于购买更多的商品,大量的塑料袋被丢弃,造成白色染,这不仅对环境造成危害,而且给人的印象是城市是肮脏的,正如我们所知,塑料袋是不可生物降解的材料,而且它会的长期呆在土壤里更糟的是,塑料袋释放出的毒素是有害的 作为当代的年轻人,我们应该采取措施控制塑料袋的使用,我们可以用布袋代替塑料袋或重新使用塑料袋,如果我们尽力,可以制定规则避免使用塑料袋,可减少塑料袋的使用,从而控制白色染。

标签: 真题 八年级

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