tripsaceae是什么意思 tripsaceae的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The plants of the family Tripsaceae are mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions.(鼠李科植物主要分布在热带和带地区。)

2. The flowers of the Tripsaceae family are usually small and inconspicuous.(鼠李科植物的花通常很小,不太显眼。)

3. The Tripsaceae family includes many species that are commonly used in traditional medicine.(鼠李科植物包括许多常用于传统医学的物种。)

4. Some species of the Tripsaceae family have high economic value, such as the Chinese knot.(鼠李科一些物种具有很高的经济价值,比如中华葛根。)

5. Tripsaceae plants are often used as ornamental plants in gardens and parks.(鼠李科植物常常被用作花园和公园的观赏植物。)

6. The roots of some Tripsaceae species are rich in starch and can be used as a source of food.(一些鼠李科物种的根富含淀粉,可以作为食物来源。)

7. The Tripsaceae family has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine.(鼠李科植物在中国传统医学中有着悠久的历史。)

8. The leaves of Tripsaceae plants are often used to make herbal tea.(鼠李科植物的叶子通常用于制作草药茶。)

9. Some species of the Tripsaceae family have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects.(鼠李科一些物种具有抗炎和抗肿瘤作用。)


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