Xinyang是什么意思 Xinyang的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 信阳人很喜欢吃麻辣烫,尤其是夏天。

(Xinyang people love to eat spicy hot pot, especially in summer.)

2. 这次我去信阳出差,工作任务很繁重。

(I went to Xinyang for a business trip this time, and the work task was very heavy.)

3. 信阳茶是中国的名茶之一,口感清香爽口。

(Xinyang tea is one of China's famous teas, with a refreshing and pleasant taste.)

4. 我听说信阳有一条很长的小吃街,下次去一定要去品尝一下。

(I heard that there is a very long snack street in Xinyang, I must go and taste it next time.)

5. 我的朋友是信阳人,她的家乡特别美丽。

(My friend is from Xinyang, her hometown is particularly beautiful.)

6. 信阳举办了一场盛大的文化艺术节,吸引了很多游客前来观赏。

(Xinyang held a grand cultural and artistic festival, attracting many tourists to come and watch.)

7. 信阳的黄河大桥是中国重要的铁路枢纽之一。

(Xinyang's Yellow River Bridge is one of China's important railway hubs.)

8. 信阳千年古刹云台山寺,是佛教圣地之一。

(Xinyang's millennium ancient temple Yuntai Mountain Temple is one of the holy places of Buddhism.)

9. 信阳的烤鸭和糖醋鲤鱼是当地的特色美食,口感独特,非常受欢迎。

(Xinyang's roast duck and sweet and sour carp are local specialty foods with unique flavors, very popular.)


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