Helios是什么意思 Helios的读音、翻译、用法

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1. "Helios rides across the sky in his chariot every day."(Helios每天驾着他的战车穿过天空。)

2. "The Helios statue in the park is a popular tourist attraction."(公园里的Helios雕像是一处受欢迎的旅游景点。)

3. "The ancient Greeks believed that Helios was the son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia."(古希腊人认为Helios是泰坦神族Hyperion和Theia的儿子。)

4. "Many ancient cultures had their own stories about the sun, including the Greeks' story of Helios."(许多古代文化都有自己关于太阳的故事,包括希腊人关于Helios的故事。)

5. "Helios was often depicted wearing a crown of sun rays."(经常描绘Helios戴着一顶阳光光芒的王冠。)

6. "The Heliosphere is the region of space where the sun's influence reaches."(Heliosphere是太阳影响范围的区域。)

7. "Helium, named after Helios, was first discovered during a solar eclipse."(以Helios命名的氦元素是在日食期间首次发现的。)

8. "In the Greek myth, Helios had a son named Phaethon who tried to drive the sun chariot and failed."(在希腊神话中,Helios有个儿子叫做Phaethon,他试图驾驭太阳战车,但失败了。)

9. "The Helios building is the tallest skyser in the city."(Helios大厦是该城市最高的摩天大楼。)


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