Rhizoglyphus是什么意思 Rhizoglyphus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Rhizoglyphus cacticulus是一个能够在真菌和干燥环境下生存的螨虫。

(Rhizoglyphus cacticulus is a mite that can survive in fungi and dry environments.)

2. 该品种经Rhizoglyphus spp.检测,符合出口要求。

(The variety has passed the Rhizoglyphus spp. test and meets the requirements for export.)

3. Rhizoglyphus属于土壤生物,对土壤结构有很大影响。

(Rhizoglyphus belongs to soil organisms and has a great impact on soil structure.)

4. Rhizoglyphus spp.在土壤中的分布状况与温度、湿度等环境因素有关。

(The distribution of Rhizoglyphus spp. in the soil is related to environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.)

5. 由于Rhizoglyphus spp.的繁殖速度快,防治措施要及时进行。

(Due to the fast reproduction speed of Rhizoglyphus spp., prevention and control measures should be taken in a timely manner.)

6. 近年来,Rhizoglyphus spp.对小麦等作物的侵害加重,引起了广泛关注。

(In recent years, the damage of Rhizoglyphus spp. to crops such as wheat has intensified, arousing widespread concern.)

7. Rhizoglyphus属于害虫,对庄稼的生长和收成造成了很大威胁。

(Rhizoglyphus is a pest that poses a great threat to crop growth and harvest.)

8. Rhizoglyphus spp.也可以在储藏的谷物中繁殖,导致粮食腐烂。

(Rhizoglyphus spp. can also breed in stored grains, causing them to rot.)

9. 建议采用生物制剂进行Rhizoglyphus spp.的防治,以减少对环境的影响。

(It is suggested to use bio-products for the prevention and control of Rhizoglyphus spp. to reduce its impact on the environment.)


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