Astacus是什么意思 Astacus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 'Astacus'是拉丁语,意为淡水龙虾。

2. 这个词通常用于生物学或烹饪领域,表示一种常见的淡水甲壳动物。

3. 以下是9个含有'Astacus'的例句:

- Astacus fluviatilis is a species of freshwater crayfish found throughout Europe.(淡水龙虾是分布于欧洲的一种淡水甲壳动物)

- The meat of Astacus astacus is highly prized in Scandinavian cuisine.(Astacus astacus的肉在斯堪的纳维亚美食中非常受欢迎)

- The ancient Romans considered Astacus a delicacy and raised them in ponds.(古罗马人认为Astacus是一种美食,他们在池塘里饲养了这种动物)

- Astacus leptodactylus is a species of crayfish found in the rivers of Iran.(Astacus leptodactylus是分布在河流中的一种甲壳动物)

- In Austria, Astacus is often served in a creamy sauce with tagliatelle pasta.(在奥地利,Astacus经常用酱淋面的方式食用)

- The Astacus flavus is known for its bright orange color and delicate flavor.(Astacus flavus以其鲜艳的橙色和精细的口感而闻名)

- Astacus pallipes is a species found in the rivers and streams of southern Europe.(Astacus pallipes是分布在南欧河流和溪流中的一种甲壳动物)

- Astacus astacus is sometimes used in traditional Lithuanian dishes, such as soup or stew.(Astacus astacus有时用于传统的立陶宛菜肴,如汤或炖菜)

- In Switzerland, Astacus is often served with a side of potatoes and a glass of white wine.(在瑞士,Astacus经常搭配土豆和一杯白葡萄酒食用)


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