Bmi是什么意思 Bmi的读音、翻译、用法

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'Bmi'这个词语来源于英语,全称为Body Mass Index,意为身体质量指数。它是衡量一个人体重是否健康的标准,是根据一个人的身高和体重计算出来的数值,通常用于评估肥胖和健康的风险。


1. My BMI is 22, which means I'm in the healthy weight range.(我的身体质量指数为22,意味着我处于健康的体重范围内。)

2. High BMI is a major risk factor for many chronic diseases.(高身体质量指数是许多慢性疾病的主要风险因素。)

3. To calculate your BMI, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.(计算身体质量指数,将体重(公斤)除以身高(米)的平方。)

4. The doctor said my BMI is too high and advised me to lose weight.(医生说我的身体质量指数太高了,建议我减肥。)

5. BMI can be inaccurate for athletes or people with a lot of muscle mass.(身体质量指数对于运动员或肌肉量大的人可能不准确。)

6. Researchers found a strong correlation between high BMI and increased mortality rates.(研究人员发现高身体质量指数和死亡率上升之间有很强的相关性。)

7. A BMI of 30 or above is considered obese.(身体质量指数达到30或以上被视为肥胖。)

8. To maintain a healthy BMI, it's important to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.(保持健康的身体质量指数,重要的是要均衡饮食和定期锻炼。)

9. The BMI scale has its limitations and should be used in conjunction with other health sments.(身体质量指数标准有其局限性,应与其他健康评估一起使用。)


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