resignation是什么意思 resignation的读音、翻译、用法

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1. His resignation came as a surprise to all of us. (他的辞职对我们所有人都来说是个意外。)

2. She handed in her resignation last week. (她上周递交了辞职书。)

3. The company accepted his resignation with regret. (公司不情愿地接受了他的辞职。)

4. His resignation was a big loss for the company. (他的辞职对公司来说是一个重大损失。)

5. The company's board of directors refused to accept the CEO's resignation. (公司董事会拒绝接受CEO的辞职。)

6. The manager's resignation was met with mixed feelings by his team. (经理的辞职引起了他的团队不同的情绪。)

7. The resignation of the chief financial officer was a major setback for the company. (首席财务官的辞职对公司来说是一个重大挫折。)

8. His resignation letter was very brief and to the point. (他的辞职信非常简短,切中要点。)

9. The minister's resignation was met with a chorus of applause from the opposition party. (部长的辞职引起了的一片掌声。)


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