indirect是什么意思 indirect的读音、翻译、用法

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1. He made an indirect suggestion to her that they should go to the movies.(他向她间接地建议去看电影。)

2. The company found an indirect way to reduce costs without laying off any employees.(公司找到了一种间接的方式,在不裁员的情况下降低成本。)

3. The writer used indirect characterization to reveal the protagonist's true nature.(作家使用间接的刻画手法揭示主人公的真实本性。)

4. The teacher gave an indirect hint to the students about the upcoming test.(老师暗示学生即将到来的考试。)

5. His apology was indirect and didn't seem very sincere.(他的道歉方式很含糊,似乎不太真诚。)

6. The boss used indirect persuasion to convince the employee to take on more responsibilities.(老板采用了间接的说服手段,说服员工承担更多责任。)

7. She gave him an indirect answer, hoping he would take the hint and leave.(她回答他时很含混,希望他能明白并离开。)

8. The detective used indirect questioning to get information from the suspect.(警探采用间接的问话方式获取犯人的信息。)

9. The company's indirect marketing campaign led to a significant increase in sales.(公司的间接营销活动导致销售额显著增加。)


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