apion是什么意思 apion的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Apion在公元1世纪末,曾在亚历山大城撰写过一部反犹太的著作。

Apion wrote a book against Jews in Alexandria at the end of the 1st century.

2. 在早期教历史上,Apion这个名字也曾出现过。

The name Apion also appeared in early Christian history.

3. 许多历史学家认为,Apion是一位亚历山大城的狂热反犹主义者。

Many historians believe that Apion was a fervent anti-Semite from Alexandria.

4. Apion的著作包括对摩西的攻击和对犹太人的蔑。

Apion's writings included attacks on Moses and slanders against Jews.

5. Apion的著作在古代广泛传播,对犹太教的影响相当恶劣。

Apion's works were widely disseminated in antiquity and had a rather negative impact on Judaism.

6. Apion这个名字在古代并不稀少,但他的著作却成为了历史的罕见之作。

The name Apion was not uncommon in antiquity, but his writings were a rare example in history.

7. Apion的著作通过对犹太人的攻击,试图证明埃及文化的优越性。

Apion's writings attempted to prove the superiority of Egyptian culture by attacking Jews.

8. Apion的著作对今天研究犹太人历史与文化的学者有很大的价值。

Apion's works have great value for scholars studying Jewish history and culture today.

9. Apion的著作是公元一世纪末希腊反犹太主义的重要代表。

Apion's works were an important representative of Greek anti-Semitism in the late 1st century.


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