isohypse是什么意思 isohypse的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The isohypse lines on this topographical map show areas of equal elevation.(这张地形图上的等高线显示了相等高度的区域。)

2. The isohypse contours on this map indicate the steepness of the terrain.(这张地图上的等高线轮廓显示地形陡峭程度。)

3. The isohypse intervals on this map are 50 meters apart.(这张地图上等高线间隔为50米。)

4. The isohypse lines on this map were drawn using satellite data.(这张地图上的等高线是用卫星数据绘制的。)

5. The isohypse map helped us plan our hike.(等高线图帮助我们计划了我们的徒步旅行。)

6. The isohypse lines showed us where the river valley was.(等高线显示了河谷的位置。)

7. The isohypse contours were difficult to read on this map.(这张地图上的等高线轮廓很难读懂。)

8. The isohypse map helped us determine the best route to the summit.(等高线图帮助我们确定了到山顶的最佳路线。)

9. The isohypse lines on this map were color-coded for easier reading.(这张地图上的等高线采用了彩色编码,阅读更加容易。)


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