Anchisaurus是什么意思 Anchisaurus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Anchisaurus was a small, plant-eating dinosaur that lived millions of years ago. (近蜥龙是一种小型的植食性恐龙,生活在数百万年前。)

2. The Anchisaurus had a long neck and tail, and walked on four legs. (近蜥龙有长长的脖子和尾巴,四条腿行走。)

3. The name 'Anchisaurus' means 'near lizard' in Greek. (Anchisaurus这个名字在希腊语中的意思是“近蜥蜴”。)

4. The Anchisaurus was one of the earliest known dinosaurs to have lived in North America. (近蜥龙是北美最早被发现的恐龙之一。)

5. Fossils of Anchisaurus have been found in the Connecticut and Massachusetts regions of the United States. (近蜥龙的化石在美国的康涅狄格州和马萨诸塞州被发现。)

6. Like many other dinosaurs, Anchisaurus laid eggs to reproduce. (和其他许多恐龙一样,近蜥龙通过产来繁殖。)

7. The Anchisaurus was a herbivore, meaning it only ate plants. (近蜥龙是一种食草动物,只吃植物。)

8. The Anchisaurus is believed to have lived in herds, or groups of individuals, for protection. (相信近蜥龙曾经生活在群体中以获得保护。)

9. Scientists use the bones of Anchisaurus to learn more about the evolution and behavior of dinosaurs. (科学家使用近蜥龙的骨骼来了解恐龙的进化和行为。)


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