pean是什么意思 pean的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The choir sang a beautiful pean in praise of the Lord. (唱诗班演唱了一首美丽的颂歌,赞美上帝。)

2. The book is a pean to the beauty of nature. (这本书是对自然之美的赞歌。)

3. The speaker delivered a stirring pean to the bravery of the soldiers. (演讲者发表了一场激动人心的颂歌,赞扬士兵的勇敢。)

4. The artist's latest al is a pean to love and happiness. (这位艺术家的最新专辑是对爱和幸福的赞歌。)

5. The writer penned a powerful pean to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. (作家写下了一篇强有力的颂歌,赞美人类精神的力量和韧性。)

6. The school choir sang a pean in honor of the retiring prinl. (学校合唱团演唱了一首颂歌,向即将退休的校长表示敬意。)

7. The poet wrote a pean to the beauty of the city skyline. (这位诗人写下了一首颂歌,赞美城市天际线的美丽。)

8. The musician composed a pean to the wonder and mystery of the universe. (这位音乐家创作了一首颂歌,赞叹宇宙的奇妙和神秘。)

9. The audience gave a standing ovation to the singer's pean to the power of love. (观众为歌手表达的对爱的力量的颂歌起立鼓掌。)


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