deductible是什么意思 deductible的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The health insurance policy has a $500 deductible.(这份医疗保险的自负额为500美元。)

2. He chose a higher deductible to lower his car insurance premium.(他选择了更高的免赔额,以降低车险费用。)

3. The deductible for my home insurance is $1000.(我家的房屋保险自负额为1000美元。)

4. The deductible for collision coverage is usually higher than for liability coverage.(碰撞保险的自负额通常比责任险高。)

5. Some companies offer zero deductible policies for certain types of claims.(一些公司为特定类型的理赔提供零免赔额保险。)

6. With a high deductible plan, you pay more when you receive medical care, but pay less in monthly premiums.(高自负额医疗保险计划,你在接受医疗保健时要支付更多,但每月保费更少。)

7. I had to pay the deductible before the insurance company would cover the cost of the repair.(在保险公司支付修理费用之前,我必须支付免赔额。)

8. The deductible can vary depending on the type of insurance policy and the insurance company.(免赔额可以根据保险政策和保险公司的不同而有所变化。)

9. The higher the deductible, the lower the insurance company's risk and the lower the insurance premium.(免赔额越高,保险公司的风险越小,保险费就越低。)


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