PNA是什么意思 PNA的读音、翻译、用法

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PNA这个词语来源于英语,指的是“太平洋岛国论坛”(Pacific Islands Forum)。



1. The PNA member states meet annually to discuss regional issues. (PNA成员国每年会晤,讨论地区问题。)

2. The PNA fisheries management system has become a model for other regions. (PNA的渔业管理系统已成为其他地区的典范。)

3. The PNA has expressed concern over rising sea levels and its impact on island nations. (PNA对海平面上升及其对岛屿国家的影响表示担忧。)

4. The PNA leaders have agreed to work together to combat illegal fishing in the region. (PNA已同意共同打击该地区的非法。)

5. The PNA has called for greater international support to address the challenges facing small island states. (PNA呼吁国际社会加大支持,解决小岛国家面临的挑战。)

6. PNA countries have a rich cultural heritage that is celebrated through various festivals and events. (PNA国家具有丰富的文化遗产,通过各种节日和活动庆祝。)

7. PNA nations have been working to develop sustainable tourism industries in their respective countries. (PNA国家一直在努力发展各自国家的可持续旅游业。)

8. The PNA has established a regional human rights commission to monitor and promote human rights in the Pacific. (PNA已成立一个地区委员会,监督和促进太平洋地区的。)

9. The PNA member countries have pledged to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources. (PNA成员国承诺减少温室气体排放,转向可再生能源。)


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