laid是什么意思 laid的读音、翻译、用法

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1. She laid the book on the table.(她将书放在桌子上。)

2. He had laid his coat on the chair.(他已经把外套放在椅子上了。)

3. The workers laid the bricks in a neat pattern.(工人们把砖头排成了整齐的图案。)

4. She laid the baby gently in the crib.(她轻轻地把婴儿放在了婴儿床里。)

5. The table was beautifully laid with plates and silverware.(桌子上铺放着盘子和银器,非常漂亮。)

6. He laid the groundwork for the project.(他为这个项目打下了基础。)

7. She laid out the plan in detail.(她详细地阐述了计划。)

8. The garden was well laid out with flowers and paths.(花园设计得很好,种满了花,设有小路。)

9. The fisherman laid his catch out on the dock.(渔民把他的收获放在了码头上。)


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