Pringles是什么意思 Pringles的读音、翻译、用法

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'Pringles'一词源于英语,在中文中也称为“百事薯片”,是一种著名的薯片品牌。它由Procter & Gamble公司于xx年推出,其特点是采用独特的筒状包装,方便携带、保存。Pringles薯片口感酥脆,味道多样,深受消费者喜爱。


1. I always bring a can of Pringles when I go hiking.(当我去远足时,我总是带上一罐Pringles。)

2. Do you want some Pringles to go with your beer?(你想来点Pringles搭配你的啤酒吗?)

3. I ate the wle can of Pringles last night.(昨晚我吃了整罐Pringles。)

4. Pringles now come in a variety of flavors.(现在Pringles有许多口味可供选择。)

5. My son loves to snack on Pringles while watching TV.(我儿子喜欢一边看电视一边吃Pringles零食。)

6. I prefer Pringles over other brands of potato chips.(我比较喜欢Pringles,比其他品牌的薯片更好吃。)

7. Pringles is my go-to snack for road trips.(Pringles是我在路上的首选零食。)

8. You can buy Pringles in most supermarkets and convenience stores.(你可以在大多数超市和便利店买到Pringles。)

9. I haven't had Pringles in ages! I need to buy some.(我好久没有吃Pringles了!我需要去买一些。)


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