Leptogenese是什么意思 Leptogenese的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Leptogenese是研究轻子产生的一门学科。(The study of leptogenesis is a subject that focuses on the production of leptons)

2. 轻子与强子的产生是不同的。(The production of leptons is different from that of hadrons)

3. 在早期宇宙,轻子产生的过程十分重要。(The process of leptogenesis was crucial in the early universe)

4. 轻子产生过程中的物理学问题还有待解决。(The physics problems in the leptogenesis process remain to be solved)

5. 轻子产生的机制和强子产生机制不同。(The mechanism for the production of leptons is different from that of hadrons)

6. 研究轻子产生可以更好地理解宇宙的演化。(Studying leptogenesis can help us understand the evolution of the universe)

7. 轻子产生是一个复杂的过程,需要深入研究。(Leptogenesis is a complex process that requires in-depth research)

8. Leptogenese理论是解释宇宙起源的重要理论之一。(The theory of leptogenesis is one of the important theories for explaining the origin of the universe)

9. 轻子产生的研究对粒子物理学和宇宙学都有重要意义。(The study of leptogenesis is significant for both particle physics and cosmology)


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