'Shawn Marion'是英文中的人名,没有对应的中文翻译。
Shawn Marion是一位美国职业篮球运动员,曾效力于凤凰城太阳队、达拉斯小牛队等。他在NBA的职业生涯中获得过全明星、NBA冠军等荣誉。
以下是9个含有Shawn Marion的例句:
1. Shawn Marion was one of the most versatile players in the league. (Shawn Marion是联盟中最具多才多艺的球员之一。)
2. The Suns retired Shawn Marion's jersey in 2015. (太阳队在xx年退役了Shawn Marion的球衣。)
3. Marion's athleticism was a huge et on both ends of the floor. (Marion的运动能力在进攻和防守两端都是一大优势。)
4. Shawn Marion was known for his unortdox soting form. (Shawn Marion以他不规则的投篮姿势而闻名。)
5. The Mavericks signed Shawn Marion to a multi-year deal. (小牛队与Shawn Marion签下了一份多年合约。)
6. Marion played a key role in the Suns' high-scoring offense. (Marion在太阳队高得分进攻中扮演着关键角色。)
7. Shawn Marion's rebounding was an underrated part of his game. (Shawn Marion的篮板球能力是他球场表现中被低估的一部分。)
8. Marion's defense was always a highlight of his game. (Marion的防守一直是他球场表现中的亮点。)
9. The Suns traded Shawn Marion for Shaquille O'Neal in 2008. (太阳队在xx年用Shawn Marion交换了Shaq O'Neal。)
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